Looking for some words of encouragement? Check out our collection of quotes from successful women who have been there to support other women on their journey to success. Check out our collection of quotes from inspiring women who have empowering messages for other women.
Women Supporting Women Quotes
There is no more great engine of empowerment than a group of supportive women.
Working as a group is only as powerful as the individuals within it.
Women are helping women works and it works because we do. Because we help each other, it doesn’t work. Because we are there for each other, the coaches aren’t there for us.
No one is powerful alone, but in numbers, nothing can stop one woman from starting a fire.
It takes a village to raise a child and women’s groups to raise women. We are our most powerful when we get together.
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The most powerful tool any woman has is other women.
Women investing in women is the best investment you will ever make.
Collectively, a group of determined women can change the world. They are unstoppable.
In unity, there is strength. Everything we want to do, we can do together. It may take us a while and comes at a cost, but it will be done. If not now, then later. If not us, then someone else. If not here, then there.
Women supporting women is important. We have got to stick together!
We are stronger together, and if there is something I can do to make a difference in your life, I will .
Women supporting women is the best way to ensure we succeed in our goals.
There is strength in unity. We are capable of anything when we are standing together.
Women helping women is the way of the future.
Women supporting women isn’t just a friendship thing. It is an empowerment thing.
A group of women investing in each other is a force to be reckoned with.
We are the ones we have been waiting for. Women are helping women.
Women are like rose petals: when we bloom, we give beauty and grace to the world. –
It takes two hands to clap or two hands to shake. It takes four hands to hug or six hands to love.
Together we can create something so powerful that it becomes real, not just for us but everyone else.
I have the power of all the women in the world behind me.
Women supporting women is a powerful group of women who can change the world.
People listen when women help each other – and we won’t stop until we succeed!
If you want to change the world, you have to start with yourself.
You are a unique person and each of us is important. When we help each other, we make the world a better place.
Women can break the power of all men.
We must understand that women are an energy source to be tapped for our purposes.
I believe that no group of women can be stopped. They are unstoppable.
There is a force that cannot be denied. That is when women help each other rise to their highest potential. It is a powerful force.
We are more than we believe. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Women helping women can change the world.
Women are the strongest, most determined and most influential people on the planet.
I am not here to be someone else is idea of what I should be but to be who I am and to make me happy. And to do that, we must be strong and support each other. That is what it means to be a woman.
Women are the most powerful beings on Earth when we come together.
There is no more potent force than women supporting one another.
Beauty is more than skin deep. Women have to feel beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside. To feel beautiful, we have to love ourselves and each other.
Compassion and empathy are every bit as important as power and strength. Women should use the gifts we have to help women, both in our country and in the world.
Women supporting women gives each woman the chance to become her personal best.
This is a pivotal moment for women, who are defining and redefining not just what it means to be a woman but also what it means to be powerful.
When women support each other, we can get anything done.
Quotes About Women Supporting Women
Women supporting women is about making a difference in the world and making me feel good about myself.
Beyond equality, women need tremendous success. And greater success comes from empowerment.
Women helping women is about us putting ourselves first for a change. There is nothing wrong with being a woman. There is something wrong with not realizing how much that can help.
Women supporting women is about our future, and if we help each other, no one else can stop us.
Women supporting women gives each woman the chance to become her personal best. It is about making a difference and making me feel good about myself.
It is time to take action and make a change. It is time for us to have equal rights and freedoms as men. It is time for us to have the power to support each other and ourselves. It is time for women to help women.
Women supporting women is about having a power that no one can take from you. It is about feeling confident and comfortable in your skin and your relationships.
Women supporting women is about making a difference in the world — and making me feel good about myself. It is about giving each woman the chance to become her personal best. Women supporting women is about our future, and if we help each other, no one else can stop us.
A woman’s place is where she wants to be.
We can do anything if we work together. –
I am what I am because of who we are as women.
A woman’s place is in the workforce.
The common thread among all our country’s outstanding accomplishments is women’s contribution.
Know that you are essential. You have a purpose and make a difference in this world. Your life counts.
Women are meant to inspire. Each of us has a mission and a message to share with the rest of the world.
A woman’s influence is so powerful that it can alter the course of events and give whole new meaning to things.
Women Supporting Women
A woman has brought into the world nothing less than a new creation.
Women will never be great until our homes, our schools, and our places of work reflect equality. We must give each other courage and support.
Women are the beating heart of our country. They are deserving of respect and honor that is commensurate with their contributions.
There is a special place in my heart for women who have contributed so much to our nation.
It takes a woman to raise her children to be whole, not lacking in the gifts or talents which make them great.
I do not have to be more powerful [than men]—I am the power.
I am not a role model. I am the example that shows you how to become one.
I have also found that as my confidence grows and as I share it with other women, the more we share. We not only feel more confident, but we start to believe in each other.
At that moment, I realized I could be substantial if I breathed into my power, and if I let go of my control, then my strength would be limitless.
I do not have to be a media darling to get it right. I have to be correct.
I feel empowered having the ability to inspire other women and continue to teach, lead, support and empower them as they do the same for me.
The voice that was silenced can now be heard.
Women are looking at each other, searching for answers, finding the truth.
The woman who doesn’t try is not a woman at all. She may have a female body, but she is not a woman. She does not bleed or feel pain. She has no thoughts or dreams except those forced into her head by others.
With so much at stake, it is no wonder that women’s rights are often called the great unfinished business of the 21st century.’
I know I am a good woman. I cannot seem to get myself together.
All women are powerful. All women. We may not be able to bench-press 300 pounds, but we hold our own weight in our hearts and minds, and that is where we can do some severe damage.
Know all ye by these presents that we, the Women of Mankato State University, do as a result of this and pledge to support each other in attaining all possible goals and promoting goodwill among ourselves.
We cannot live without freedom. But life has no meaning without struggle.
Women Supporting Women Quote
I stand here tonight as a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, and a woman and I am here to claim my place in history as a strong, black woman.
As women, we must use our collective voice to speak out for all those who have no say. Each time we stand up for what we know is right, march on City Hall or run for office ourselves [we] mark another step forward on the journey of progress.
As a woman, I believe every one of us can make a difference in the world, not just by being loud and visible but also by being strong, nurturing and compassionate.
Women are leaders. Women act. Women create. And women lead, again and again.
For women, it is different. When we admit that all women can be great, we release ourselves from the fear that keeps us from believing in ourselves.
Women must be total participants in peace processes if there is to be genuine peace.
I am not running for president because it is my turn but our turn. Our country needs you and your ideas, your energy, and, yes, your passion.
You know, girls are the ones who are supposed to wear skirts or dresses or blouses with flowers on them. But girls can do anything boys can do. We can run fast. We can make things. We can lead armies.
In this society where women are concerned, there is no such thing as a bad mother, a lousy aunt, or an evil sister. All women are family.
I want to tell you that I love and care about your life. I always have and I always will .
I feel that you must see yourself as a catalyst, not an impediment.
Men and women are equally important, and the two together are needed for genuine companionship.
When women’s contributions are recognized to the same degree as men’s, new possibilities are created for all.
The force of women united can never be defeated.
Let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most potent weapons. Soon there will be peace, and we will have a chance to save humanity and the human spirit.
When I am governor, no woman will be asked to leave school because she is pregnant and no woman will be denied access to health care because she becomes pregnant.
If a man comes along and changes your life or mine, then he is doing something special. And we should embrace that person as one of our own.
Each time you stand up for what you know is right, march on city hall or run for office yourself [you] mark another step forward on the journey of progress.
A woman is like a tea bag: you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.
To attain knowledge, one has to study; to gain wisdom, one has to observe.
Women Helping Women Quotes
The women who have shaped history are those who have told their stories. They have been, and still are, the source of our knowledge.
Women can do anything a man can do. Only in one area are women truly equal — in their ability to love.
There is no limit to what women can achieve as long as they are allowed to.
Women must support each other, not because we want revenge or even because we want justice—although that may be a benefit—but simply because by standing together, we define who we are.
Women alone can change the world.
The thing about a woman is that she always has to do everything.
We must begin to redefine our roles, and we must allow others the freedom to do so as well.
Women need a reason for everything. Men need a place.
I am sorry if I have given you the wrong impression. It is not intentional. I cannot help myself because I am addicted to you.
No woman should fear for her safety because she becomes pregnant.
I have been told that I am like my mother. I think, ’What does that mean?’ I can be a rock or a glass slipper, and at times you have probably wished that your mother wasn’t there.
Each time you stand up for what you know is right, march on city hall or run for office yourself, mark another step forward on the journey of progress.
You have to be a woman to understand the depth of what I am saying.
Every woman can be great.
I will not stand for an unequal country. I will not stand for an unjust society.
If she can remember, let her keep silent. If she can learn, let her know.
He could be a better person or a worse person, and she could remember something if he is going down. All he has to do is manipulate her emotions. That is not very difficult.
I am a mother, grandmother, daughter, sister-in-law and friend. I have been a teacher, engineer, and principal, so I know what it means to be in charge.
Women must be total participants in peace processes if there is to be genuine peace.
Today, I want to tell you that I love you and care about your life. I always have, and I always will .
The most excellent leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; it is about moving people to take action.
No one must ever know what happened here tonight. Fight for me for my honor.
It took me years to develop a voice, and I am not going to be silent just because you are uncomfortable hearing from a woman.
I want women to get more active in the feminist movement. Women need to realize that we can make a difference.
Quote About Women Supporting Women
The passion, compassion, and intensity of our love for each other make it possible for us to care more deeply about our differences and still work together.
We have a human right to participate in the full range of human experiences and live without fear and limits.
The new frontier [for feminism] is not only women’s issues but also the interrelated issues of social and economic justice.
We need a new definition of leadership that recognizes the humanity and diverse viewpoints of all people. We need more open-mindedness and tolerance. We need more understanding across differences. And we need more respect.
Personal responsibility is essential to solving our healthcare crisis. We create a self-fulfilling prophecy when we are so obsessed with blaming the victim and denying responsibility.
We must come together as a society and realize that change requires more than one issue. It requires many matters.
Women keep each other safe. There is no woman that I know who doesn’t know at least three other women who are being abused or raped.
An empowered woman can help transform the world.
It takes courage to change the world. While some will resist, I know that the essence of the women’s movement is nothing less than a sweeping revolution in consciousness.
The passion, compassion, and intensity of our love for each other make it possible for us to care more deeply about our differences and still work together.