The modern breakup quotes can be summed up with a single statement: breaking up sucks. The heartache, the tears, and the anger are all real – and often felt for much longer than is necessary. But despite all of that, there are some pretty funny quotes about breakups floating around out there. Here are five of our favourites:
The Modern Breakup Quotes
“The breakup is hard, but it is also the best thing that ever happened to you.”
“You are not alone. There are a lot of people out there who have gone through a breakup.”
“If you are going through a breakup, know that it will get better.”
“Know that you are not alone and that there are people who care about you.”
“Even though you may feel lost and confused and empty, know that it is temporary. Get up, brush your teeth, get dressed, and prepare to meet the world again.”
graph - under_second_paragraph -->“It is not a bad thing to be alone and it is not a good thing to be with someone who makes you miserable.”
“The breakup is hard, but it is also the best thing that ever happened to you. Let go of the people who let you down.”
“Breaking up is hard to do. It is even harder to keep living in the same house.”
“The breakup is hard, but it is also the best thing that ever happened to you.”
“I think I am finally over my ex.”
“It is good to be single.”
“I have got a great life. I do not need a boyfriend. Oh, wait…”
“I am definitely over my ex, but I do not want to risk having another bad relationship.”
“At least now I know what kind of person he is, and that is not someone I want to be with.”
“If you are going through a breakup, know that it will get better. You will miss the other person, but you will go on with your life.”
“I couldn’t care less what you do behind my back. Just do not do it while I am around.”
“Don’t put off dating until you are divorced.” “It is like a broken arm. Once it heals, it will be fine.”
“If you are really sick of an ex, break up with him in writing before you give him the chance to cheat on you again.”
“I am not less single just because I am still with the same person. I am really comfortable, I have got a great life, and I am happy.”
“You are single. Good for you! No one should stay in a relationship they do not want to be in.”
“Before you go out on a date with someone who seems like a nice guy, ask him where he thinks all the romance has gone in your relationship. If he answers by saying it hasn’t gone anywhere, do not bother going out with him.”
“It is not like I am over my ex. I know someone else will come along and make me forget him. I just hope it happens before my next birthday.”
“How could he cheat on me after all I have been through for him?”
“I do not need a boyfriend to help me get through life. I can do it all on my own.”
“I am over my ex. I have met someone new and he is just what I need.”
“If you are going through a breakup, know that it will get better. You will miss the other person, but you will go on with your life.”
“You will hear all kinds of things about your ex like he is getting married to someone else or cheating with your best friend. Just ignore it and move on with life.”
“Breaking up is hard to do. It is even harder to keep living in the same house.”
“What happens to love after it is over?It might live on as an echo in our fragile hearts. It might haunt me till the end of our days.”
“I will listen to your heart beating with love for someone else, and it will break my heart. But I will not ask you to return it. I cannot ask you to be true; that would be too much. All I can ask is that you be honest . . . I want only that.”
“When we are together, we become more like ourselves than we could ever be alone.”
“When the one you love leaves you, there is no reasoning. You just lose everything inside.”
“We have been and always will be together.”
“I think what I have learned is that you never fully get over anybody. When you love somebody, when they are a big part of your life and then it ends, I do not think there is such a thing as getting over it because in a way, a part of you is gone.”
“Don’t hate me because I am beautiful. Hate me because your boyfriend thinks so. Hate me because I am gone. “
“I wanted to believe my heart could be shattered by a single, profound blow, but I’d learned that the shards do not fit back together again.”
“Through pain and loneliness, I will remember us all summer long.”
“You do not know what you have until it is gone.”
“Sometimes in life, there is no way out, but there is always a way through.”
“Sometimes, where pure light is perceived, darkness lingers.”
“You need to stop being so nice and actually bruise their ego.”
“I do not care if he loves me, but I do care if I love him. And I have to be honest. All these fights, all this pain. I still love him.”
The Modern Breakup Book Quotes
“Just because you are destined to always see someone doesn’t mean that you can always be with them.”
“Let me tell you something about men and women: we are exactly the same, only different.”
“Judging from the pictures on the news and in magazines, he is already found a woman who is capable of replacing me.
“We are all the same. We are all different. We are the same because we feel, we dream, and sometimes, if you are lucky, we love. We are different because life cannot treat us all the same way.”
“I do not see how you can say you are fine after a breakup. I am not fine.”
“The ugly cry is real, guys.”
“Breaking up sucks. It is like a paper cut on your soul.”
“I have said too much, and I am sorry, but your heart is still beating too fast.”
“If you are not will ing to go through the pain of rejection, you are never going to find out if you are really unhappy.”
“The whole universe is a big message board for everyone else is insecurities. And there is a lot of them.”
“Someday I am going to be happy again. Someday. Someday soon.”
“Don’t wake up with me anymore.”
“You are young, innocent, and you feel like there is a crack in the world. Don’t go through it.”
“I want you to remember what I said. Don’t settle. Pursue your dream, destroy your fear and let the universe send you only what you want.”
“What are you afraid of?” “Everything. I am afraid of getting hurt, of not being able to fix things. I am afraid of being disrespected. I am afraid of not living up to your expectations.”
“I think every once in awhile we need a break from each other. It is different for everyone.”
“I hope you realize how much I love you because it is easy to be caught up in drama and see what you want to see.”
“You do not fall in love with somebody because they are perfect, but because they are perfect for you.”
“I have loved you all my life, it has just taken me this long to find you.”
“When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.”
“I want to be with someone who sees the world the way I do. Someone who knows when not to scratch where it itches.”
“The problem is that everyone always thinks that falling in love is one big storybook romance but what they do not know is that there are so many ups and downs.”
“I really want to be with you but I am not sure if we could make it. I just want to be sure that I wouldn’t end up losing you.”
“I do not want to spend my life only half-living because of someone else.”
“When two people really care about each other, they will always find a way to make things work out. That is what makes them special.”
“I will always make sure to tell you how much I love you.”
“When something is broken, the easiest thing to do is to throw it away and get a new one. But life isn’t meant to be easy, it is meant to be lived. And love shouldn’t be thrown away; It is meant to be cherished.”
“I am not letting you go. I am going with you.”
“We are so perfect together that we make each other even better.”
“You are my dream come true. Now wake up, I do not want to wake up.”
“I do not want you to be scared of me. I just want you to be scared of what is on the other side of that door.”
“I know that I am a coward, but I am afraid you will leave and never look back.”
“You have never been loved, and you tell yourself that the reason why is because no one has ever loved you.” So tell yourself all the lies you want.”
“It is hard to be broken, because it is hard to accept that you have been broken. But it is easy to give up on love and forget about the good times. That is when we are really sad.”
“I feel like there are a lot of things that I cannot do, you know? And there are a lot of things I cannot have.”
Modern Break Up Quotes
“Sunshine is only so bright because it reflects off of the moon.”
“I didn’t realize how amazing life was when I was running from my problems. Now that I am running from something, I realize how amazing life can be when you take the moments for yourself.”
“I thought about the things in my life and how I left them unfinished until fate walked up to me and asked what was wrong.”
“You cannot keep something like this inside forever. You have to find a way to share it with somebody.”
“Don’t give up on love, because love always finds a way. Always. Love is love, you have to believe that.”
“It is okay to feel scared or sad. It is okay to make mistakes. That is what friends are there for.”
“The new me has been hiding underneath my old shell, but it is time to come out and see what happens.”
“We are all human, so we all deserve a little happiness and fun in life.”
“I am sorry I didn’t make it easier for you, but I miss you. And I do not want you to forget me because I never wanted to forget you.”
“Don’t go trying to change me. Please do not try to change me.”
“It is hard when real love is always too soon.”
“If you do not stop worrying about getting hurt, then all of your relationships are going to end up, I think, in the same place.”
“I am deeply sorry for making mistakes and hurting people, but I really hope that after this, you can give that a second chance. I miss you. I miss the way you used to make me feel like I was the most important person in your life.”
“I am sorry that we weren’t able to be together for just a little longer but there is still time. Don’t give up on me yet.”
“Love is beautiful, but it can also change you. If it changes you completely, then it isn’t love anymore.”
“Heaven and earth may pass away, but I will not pass away. My thoughts and feelings are eternal. My heart is like a river. It always flows.”
“I never want to hurt you ever again, because I love you too much to do that to you.”
“We all deserve to be happy, and we all deserve a little happiness in our lives. Happiness doesn’t mean that we won’t have problems or hardships. It means that we will be able to solve them.”
“We have been through so much together. Don’t go away, do not go away, do not go away. Please do not go away.”
“You are the other half of my soul, and I love you, I love you.”
“I am scared to wish for what I want, because if it doesn’t come true it will hurt me too much.”
“I love you. You are everything to me. Please do not be afraid of loving someone because they cannot love you back like you want them to. Be yourself because that is who they will fall in love with.”
“(. sniff). I am sorry I hurt you and I am sorry that things didn’t work out the way we wanted them to. (sob). (hiccup) . Because I love you.”
“If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they do not, then it wasn’t.”
“If you love someone and you think about the things together without each other that is when it is real love. And I know that it is true because there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you.”
“You are my one true love and all I want to do is love you forever.”
“So many times, I have wished for the impossible. To be with the person who is everything to me. To have all of my dreams come true. To be happy. But now, as long as I am alive and breathing, it is alright.”
“I wish that everyone could feel this good when they look at their lover. I wish that everyone could feel my love for you in their souls.”
“You belong with me. We are one. I cannot fight what is meant to be. Ever since we started, I have always loved you.”
“I have never had a dream that I would wish for it not to come true, but now that I have met you, everything is different.”