Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the successful harvest of the year and express gratitude for all that has been given. It is also a time to wish friends and family members happy holidays. The holiday season is a time for family and friends to come together, share stories, eat good food, and enjoy some lighthearted moments.
Thanksgiving is a special time of year where families gather together to celebrate the holiday and enjoy one another’s company. Some people choose to host their own Thanksgiving dinner, while others may choose to celebrate it with friends and family. Regardless of what you do, make sure to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal! Here are some blessings and wishes for the holiday season.
Blessing for Thanksgiving
“O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Thank you for the blessings of the food we eat and especially for this feast today. Amen.”
“Thank you God for this beautiful day. Thank you for the food we have now and will have later on. Thank you too, for all of the people who work to make Thanksgiving Day possible.”
“I want to thank the people that work hard to bring us our food and make it delicious. I am thankful for everything the Lord has given me. I am also thankful for my family and friends. Amen.”
“Oh God, our eternal and merciful Father, we pray for thy blessing. On thee our trust is set and thou canst not disappoint us. In thy name may our hearts be strengthened to do thy will all the days of
our lives.”“May we be for one another in love and kindness. May our home be a blessing to all who come within it’s sheltering walls. May we be patients with one another, generous with each other, and helpful to each other.”
“Dear God, thank you for everything. Bless all of the people on this day– especially our family and friends. Thank you for all that we have! Amen.”
“Father God, we thank you for the many favors and blessings that you have bestowed upon us throughout our lives. We are grateful to you for your holy blessings. You are worthy of all glory and praise. Amen.”
“Dear God, today we celebrate with family and friends— sharing with them the bounties of your creation in this land of abundance. We pray that you watch over them as we rejoice together. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”
“Dear God, today we thank you for your great love and mercy in sending Christ to us as the Savior of all mankind. With deep gratitude we ask that you bless the food which your Son so lovingly provided for us. In Christ is name we pray, Amen.”
“Dear Lord God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, creator of heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible. We thank you for having created the fruit of the earth. We thank you for the creation of food, especially on this day, when we gather to give thanks. We pray that in our gathering together to share food, we will be sharing in your grace and your love as well. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”
“Dear God, we are grateful for your many blessings in our lives. Thank you for our family and friends; for all that you have given us; and for this special time of celebrating with them. Bless our gathering today, and all that we do. Bless us with your love and peace, so that we may share these blessings with one another. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”
“Dear God, on this day of thanksgiving, please bless us with kind hearts and gentle spirits. Help us to be thankful for your many gifts by sharing them with others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”
“Today we give thanks for our family and friends, for all you have given us, and this time of special celebration with them. We thank you as well for the opportunities to give to those in need. Bless our gathering today, and all that we do. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Father God, on this day of thanksgiving please bless us with patience, kindness and forgiveness toward one another; let it be the best day of the year. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Dear Father God today I express my gratitude for everything You have given me throughout my life – providing every thing from temporal nourishment or preservation from illness or protection from harm – even grace when I have been unappreciative of it. I thank You for having sent to me your Son, who gave us the greatest of gifts – eternal life. Thank You for having redeemed us from our sins and seated us with Him in heaven forevermore. Amen.”
Thanksgiving Blessings and Wishes
“Lord God, we give you thanks for all the blessings you have bestowed upon our family and friends. We ask that you bless these blessings throughout their lives as well as our own; that they may be preserved intact until we meet again on the last day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”
“Lord God, we give you thanks for all the blessings you have bestowed upon our family and friends. We ask that you bless these blessings throughout their lives as well as our own; that they may be preserved intact until we meet again on the last day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”
“Dear God, we give thanks for all that You have given us to enjoy in life: food, laughter with family and friends, our health and your protection. Help us to share these blessings with others, and to show kindness and gratitude in the process. In Christ is name we pray.”
“Dear Lord God, thank you for your loving care of all creation. Thank you for the bounty of foodstuffs today. Help us to be thankful as we share this bountiful meal with our families, friends, and neighbors. Help us as a community to invite each other into the grace and love found at this table. Amen.
“Lord, today we give thanks for your many blessings upon our family and friends. We thank you for the opportunity each day to share and enjoy food with them. Bless us, Lord, as we share this meal together so that we may become better people. Amen.”
“Lord God, help us to see your many gifts and blessings in all they are. Help us to recognize those around us who hunger for the abundance of Your love and are waiting to receive Your blessings in Christ is name. Amen.”
“Lord God, we bring our many needs to You. We are thankful for the food You have created and the kind hands that have brought it to us. May Your Holy spirit be with us as we begin this day. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Dear God, on this day of thanksgiving we thank you for all you have given us. Thank you for the many opportunities to give to others in your name. Bless our gathering today, and all that we do. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”
“Father God, thank you for the many blessings and gifts that you have given us – in our lives, in one another, even in the world around us. Help us today to be grateful as we gather with family and friends to share your bounties with each other. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day of thanksgiving we are grateful for all that you have given to us. We thank you for the many opportunities we have to give of ourselves in your name. Bless our gathering today, and all that we do. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Dear God, on this day of thanksgiving please bless us with humility in spirit, peace and love as we gather with family and friends to share the bounties of your goodness in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the food that nourishes us both physically and spiritually. Today we gather together in thanksgiving for this bounty of fruits and vegetables. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Father God, thank you for the many blessings that you have bestowed upon us through your creation, through our families and friends, and in all of life. Help us to always be grateful for all these blessings as we gather with family and friends to share them with each other. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”
Thanksgiving Blessings and Prayers
“Dear God, today we give thanks for the many blessed relationships that you bring into our lives. Thank you for the opportunity to share these relationships with those around us. Bless our gathering today, and all that we do. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Dear God, on this day of thanksgiving please bless us with the strength to resist those things that would take away from our joy – in particular, the temptation to refrain from sharing our blessings with others; but rather the fulfillment of your commandments to love one another as you have loved us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”
“Father God, thank you for all your bountiful gifts in our lives. Help us to be grateful today, and as we share these gifts with others. Help us to remember the many blessings that you have bestowed upon us, in and out of the church. We pray.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this bountiful food. Thank you for your will ingness to give it to us and for your love in sharing it with our families and friends. May we be humble in spirit as we share this bounty of fruits and vegetables: today may it become a time of bonding among all who gather here as one family. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“Dear God, we give You thanks for all of the blessings and gifts you have given to us. Help us today as we gather with family and friends to share the bounties of this table, to be thankful that they are a part of our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray.”
“I send thanksgiving and praise to God for all of his bounteous blessings upon me throughout this year. I raise my voice to Jesus, thanking Him for his many “gifts”. Amen.”
“We give thanks to our Creator, the Giver of all good gifts. Let us be thankful for His blessings, for all the good things in life. We are thankful for our family and friends, for this day and for all the other days that He has so kindly given us.”
“Dear God, thank you for this delicious food! Thank you also for my family and friends! God bless everyone on this Thanksgiving Day!”
“Thank you Lord, you have provided everything we need to have a very special day. I am very thankful to you! Thank you for my family, friends and this food. Thank you God for all that I do have. Amen.”
“Thank you, Lord, for all the good things we have today. Thank you for this wonderful day when we pray together as a family. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
“Dear God, thank You for blessing me with such a wonderful family and great friends. I ask that You bless them always with Your love and generosity. Amen.”
“We are thankful for our God, Jesus Christ. We give thanks to him and praise him, because he is good to us (and you)! We ask that he bless us with all good things we need, so we may enjoy health and happiness all our days. Amen.”
“Thank you, Lord, for this day! Thank You for all of the blessings I have received today! And thank You for my family–for each one of them! Bless their lives and help everyone to be fully happy. Amen.
“Lord, we give you thanks for this day and for all the days of our life! We thank you for all that we have in our lives. For everyone who blesses us and brings us joy! We are thankful.”
“Blessing and praise to God, who gives us His many gifts, for the blessings which He has given to each of us. Bless our brothers and sisters, friends and family with healing; so that each can live full of joy and happiness. Amen.”
“O God, our Father and our Savior, we give you thanks for this day. We thank you for the food we are about to share and for all your blessings. Especially, we thank You for all the good things that have been given to us.”
“Dear God, thank you for our family and friends. Thank you for this day and all the good things in our lives. Thank you God for all that we have; Amen.”
“God, You have provided us with so many special things to be thankful for, like our families, friends and great food! Thank You! We give You thanks and praise, O Lord!”
“Dear Father in Heaven, we thank You so much for today and all that it means. We are thankful for all Your blessings and we celebrate our family and friends. We ask that you help everyone to be happy and healthy.”
“Dear Lord, thank You for this day. Thank You for the food we have here. Thank You, too, for the love in our hearts! Amen.”
“Dear God, thank you so much for everything that you have given us–especially this day! We love you very much! Amen.”
“Dear God, thank you for everything. Bless all of the people on this day– especially our family and friends. Thank you for all that we have! Amen.”
“Dear God, thank you so much for blessing me with this family and food! I love my family and friends! I hope everyone is ready to eat because it is time to sit down and eat! Amen.”
“We give thanks to God for the many blessings he has bestowed on each of us. We pray that God will continue to bless us with good health and many happy days.”
“Our Father, we give you thanks for this day and all the blessings of our lives. We ask that You continue to keep us healthy and happy. Thank You for our family, friends and this food. Amen.”
“We praise you for all your loving kindness! We are thankful for the love that surrounds us. We give thanks to You for all that is good in this world! Amen.
“God, we give you thanks for this day and all the blessings of our lives. We ask that You continue to keep us healthy and happy. Thank You for our family, friends and this food. Amen.”
“Dear God, thank you for all of your blessings! Thank you for my family and friends, also. I hope everyone is ready to eat because it is time to sit down and eat!”
“Dear Lord, we give thanks to You for today and all the wonderful things in our lives. We thank you for our family and friends. Amen.”
Happy Thanksgiving Blessings Quotes
“Dear Lord, thank you for my family and friends, and thank you for the beautiful food to eat. Trusting in you, I ask that all of us have a special time together. Amen.”
“God, we give thanks to You for this special day. We are thankful to be together as a family and ask that You bless each of us. Amen.”
“Dear Lord, thank You for all of your blessings. Thank You for my family and friends, too. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with their family and friends. Amen.”
“Dear God, thank you for all the things that we have today. Thank you for our family, this food and many other things in our lives. May each of us find joy in all that You give us. Amen.
“Dear Father in Heaven, we give thanks for this special day and for our family. We thank you for the many blessings in our lives. Thank you for this food! Amen.”
“Dear God, thank you very much for all the beautiful things in my life. Thank you especially for my family and friends. I am thankful to be with them today. Thank you for being with us. Amen.”
“Dear Father, we bless You for all the good things in our life. We thank You for our family and friends, and this food that we are about to eat to show our thanks. Amen.
“Dear God, we thank You for all the good things in our lives and for our family and friends. We thank you especially for food to eat. Bless this food so that we may enjoy it together. Amen.”
“Dear God, thank you for this special day and all the love in my life. Thank you also for being with us now, as we gather here to give thanks. Bless each of us that we may share in Your joy today.