A collection of Saturday morning prayers to start your day off right. These prayers are perfect for beginning your day in communication with God. Join us every Saturday morning for a time of prayer. We will be praying for our church, our community, and our world.
Saturday Morning Prayers
“This Saturday morning, we pause to reflect on all that is good in our lives. We give thanks to our families, friends, health, homes, and all the joys of life. We ask for your blessing as we enjoy this day of rest.”
“On this day, we also remember those less fortunate than us. We pray for those who are sick, those who are grieving, those who are hungry, and those who are in pain. We ask that you bring them comfort and peace.”
“Dear Lord, we are so grateful for this day of rest. Please help us to use it wisely, recharge our batteries, and be ready to face the week ahead with energy and enthusiasm. Amen.”
“This Saturday morning, we pause to give thanks for all the things we are grateful for. We reflect on all that is good in our lives. We ask for God’s blessing in every area of our lives. We ask for your protection and guidance. All this we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day of rest and renewed strength and energy. We thank you for our food, our water, and the air we breathe. We thank you for love in our hearts. We thank you
for all that is good. Help us each day to remember these things. Amen.”“On this Saturday, we give thanks that our work is done. We rejoice in the completion of our tasks and we rest in the joy of accomplishment. We thank you for all we have accomplished and the many tasks left to complete. We ask you to now bless us with your wisdom, skill and strength.”
“Heavenly Father, Help us each day to let go of what is not essential and to focus on what matters most. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“On this day of rest, we always remain mindful of those who do not have the privilege of taking a break. We pray for them and we ask you to bring them comfort and peace.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day when there are no constraints, no deadlines, and no consequences – help us to relax and enjoy! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“On this day that we give thanks for everything we are thankful for, We pause to remember the things which matter most: our families, our friends, and the world around us.”
“We are grateful for the health and strength granted to us by you. We thank you for the sun that warms our days and the rain that nurtures our crops. We want to thank you for the love we experience in all relationships.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, we pray these things in your name. Amen.”
“On this day of rest, we give thanks for many beautiful things: Our health, family and friends, homes and possessions. We ask for your blessing on this day of rest and gratitude.”
“We pray for those who are lonely and sick, for those whose lives are filled with pain. May they find peace and joy. We pray. Let us not forget them but remember to always reach out to them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Prayer for Saturday
“On this day of rest, let us remember those who are alone and hungry. And those who do not have the privilege of resting. Let us pray for them that they may find peace and comfort.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day of rest, we thank you for the blessings in our lives. We thank you for our health and the love we share with those around us. We ask for your protection and wisdom during this day that is given to us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
“On this day of rest, we pause to remember those suffering and in pain. We pray for comfort and peace for them.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, We deserve this day of rest through Your mercy. Please help us to use it wisely, guiding us from the beginning of each day until our work is done.”
“This Saturday morning, let us reflect on all that is good in our lives. Please help us be thankful for everything we have in our homes and hearts. Let us be Thankful for the love we share with others. Let us be grateful for this day of rest. Amen.”
“On this day of rest and gratitude, we pause to reflect on all that is good in our lives. We thank our families, friends, homes, and everything else that is good in our lives.”
“Let us remember those who are suffering and in pain. May they find comfort and peace. Let us pray for them.”
“Yesterday we gave thanks for all that we are blessed with. This day of rest, may we continue to give thanks for the good things in our lives and there is still more to have and share with others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“On this day of rest, let us celebrate the blessings in our lives. Reflect on the things in our life that are important. Our families, our friends. Let us be thankful for the good in our lives and help those less fortunate than us.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, May your wisdom and grace guide us in all that we do. Please give us the strength to overcome all obstacles. We pray these things in Jesus’ Name.”
“On this day, let us pause to reflect on all the good things in our lives and remember those suffering. Let us thank all that is good and seek opportunities to serve our fellow man. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
“On this day of rest, we thank you for all we have. We thank you for this land of opportunity. We thank you for the love we share with others and the love they share with us.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, grant me the strength to face another week with enthusiasm and energy. Help me to spend each day wisely, bringing glory to Your Name. Let us put aside all distractions and devote ourselves to our families, friends, and each other.”
Saturday Blessings and Prayers
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day of rest, I pause to remember those who are alone and in need. We pray for them that they find comfort and peace. Help me to place each day the love that is present in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“On this day of rest, we thank all we are blessed with. We thank our families, friends, homes, and everything else that is good in our lives.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this special day, we pause to reflect on how fortunate we are. We acknowledge all the good things in our lives and recognize those less fortunate than us. Let us strive to reach out to them with compassion and love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“We give thanks for all that is good in our lives, especially the love we share with others. We ask for your guidance and protection during this day of rest and reflection. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day of rest, we pause to remember those suffering and in pain, especially those in hospitals or homes for the aged. We pray for their comfort and peace. We pray for those with no families and friends to whom they can turn. May they find comfort and ease in our prayers.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day of rest, we thank you for all you have given us. We ask for your guidance and protection during this day of rest and reflection on the blessings in our lives. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, let this be a day of rest and reflection on everything good in our lives. We pray for those who are sick, lonely and in pain. Let us reach out to them with compassion. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day of rest and reflection. May we spend it wisely, doing good and helping others when we can. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day of rest, let us pause and reflect on the good in our lives: our families, our friends, our health, and everything else that is good. We pray for those who are sick, suffering and lonely. Let us reach out to them with compassion. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Saturday Blessing Prayer
“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day of rest, help us to reflect on the good in our lives and service to others. Give us the strength to overcome another week of challenges and difficulties. Please help us to do what is right, whether it is popular or not. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
“Heavenly Father, we come to you this Saturday morning with hearts full of gratitude. Thank you for our families, friends, health, and many blessings in our lives.”
“We remember those less fortunate than us, and we pray for your help and guidance in their lives. We ask that you bring them comfort and peace.”
“Bless this day of rest, Lord, and bless us as we spend it. Please help us to rest our bodies, quiet our minds; renew our spirits; and remember that we are your children.”
“We know this day is yours, Lord, so we use it as you wish. Guide our thoughts, bless our desires: and keep us focused on what is important.”
“Lord, you are the one who gives us time off. Help me to enjoy every minute of Saturday with your blessing. Amen.”
“Lord, we thank you for this day of rest. Please help us to enjoy it fully. And if we need any additional help, please send someone to bring us the good news of your love.”
“Lord, you are the one who gives us time off. Help me to enjoy every minute of Saturday with your blessing.”