Quotes About Jealousy And Bitterness

Jealousy and bitterness are two very powerful emotions. They can tear people apart and make them do things they would never normally do. Here are some quotes about jealousy and bitterness to help you understand these emotions better.

Quotes About Jealousy And Bitterness

We are not envious of others; we want what they have. The negative feelings come from the fact that we cannot have it.

The desire to be envious is useless. If we want to achieve anything in life, we must move past the bitterness.

Jealousy makes people bitter as it is a form of envy. When you let go of jealousy, you will be free from the bitterness that jealousy brings.

Envy is a feeling of discontent or resentfulness aroused by someone else is possessions, qualities, achievements, or happiness.

Letting go of the bitterness of envy allows us to move on in our lives. It is hard work, but it gives us peace. It is a way of healing and letting go.

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Envy consumes people and all they do is cause pain; it is not worth trying to achieve a position like that.

Don’t let jealousy and envy eat away at your heart; let go of that bitterness and be free.

Envy is a destructive emotion that can only lead to pain and suffering, so let it go and move on.

Envy can bog you down. It is the opposite of gratitude. Instead of being grateful for what we have, we focus on what others have and how they are better off than us.

Sometimes we can be blinded by envy, but there is always something good in every situation. Letting go of the negative emotion of envy will help you see that.

The bitterness of envy is something that can never be overcome.

Jealousy is just a waste of time, do not let the bitterness of envy eat away at your soul.

Envy is a destructive emotion that can only lead to pain and suffering.

Don’t let the darkness of envy consume you; let go of that bitterness and be free.

Envy is like poison; it cannot be sipped slowly. It has to be quickly consumed and then you will never regain peace.

Avoid envy; it is a useless emotion that makes you miserable and sad.

Envy is an unfortunate side effect of success.

Don’t let the darkness of envy consume you; let go of that bitterness and be free.

Be free from envy, do not let the darkness of envy consume you.

Be free of the bitterness of envy, be free and move on with your life.

The bitterness of envy can consume you to the point where you forget who you are.

Don’t let envy take over you and make your life miserable.

Just because someone has something you want doesn’t mean it is worth giving up who you are.

Trying to be envious of your loved ones is not worth it.

Don’t let envy get in the way of your happiness.

Envy is a destructive emotion. Learn to manage your feelings and you can move on.

If you want to achieve something in life, let go of the bitterness.

If you are full of jealousy, you will never be able to achieve what you want.

Envy consumes you and stops you from achieving your goals.

Don’t let the bitterness of envy consume you.

Just because someone has something you want doesn’t mean it is worth giving up who you are.

Don’t let envy consume you; let go of that bitterness and be free.

It is better to be happy than to be envious.

Don’t waste your time being envious of someone else is happiness.

Envy is a wasted emotion that can only lead to pain and suffering.

The bitterness of envy will eat away at your soul, do not let it consume you.

Don’t let envy consume you; let go of that bitterness and be free.

Letting go of the bitterness of envy will bring happiness to your life.

Bitter envy is like a poison that kills the spirit and the soul.

The only way to get rid of the bitterness of envy is to let it go and move on.

When you harbor envy and bitterness, you only hurt yourself in the end.

Don’t let the bitterness of envy take away your joy in life.

The only way to get rid of the bitterness of envy is to let it go, and when you do, you will be free.

When you let go of the bitterness of envy, you will find peace and happiness.

Bitter envy is like a poison that kills the spirit and the soul; letting it go will make you accessible.

Don’t let jealousy and envy destroy your soul; let go of that bitterness and be free.

Only you get hurt when you hold on to the bitterness of envy.

Envy is a destructive emotion that can only lead to pain and suffering, so let it go and be free.

Bitterly jealous people are often filled with anger and hate.

Envy robs people of the ability to learn from others’ successes. It builds walls and destroys bridges.

Jealousy and envy are different feelings. Both stem from insecurity, but jealousy is a fear of loss, while envy is resentment over gain.

When you hold on to the bitterness of envy, you lose the ability to see beyond your pain.

Bitter self-pity can be a way of punishing ourselves for envying others.

When someone feels envious, it means they are not happy with what they have or who they are. They want something or someone better. It is a negative emotion that makes us unhappy because it is a longing for something that may never be.

The only way to get rid of the bitterness of envy is to let it go and when you do, you will be free.

Jealousy is a destructive emotion that can only lead to pain and suffering, so let it go and be free.

We can find peace of mind and peace with ourselves when we let go of the bitterness of envy.

The bitterness of envy is powerful; it robs us of our ability to see what we have as sound. It makes it hard to see the good in others or even see the good in ourselves.

Bitter envy is like a poison that kills the spirit and the soul; letting it go will make you free. Bitter envy is a destructive emotion that can only lead to pain and suffering, so let it go and be free.

Letting go of the anger and bitterness that envy brings will make you realize that you do not need what others have to be happy.

Letting go of the bitterness of envy allows us to see what we should concentrate on. It gives us peace in our lives and happiness. It helps us find love and joy.

Self-doubt is just a form of envy. It is all about what we are not and what others are.

When we hold on to the bitterness of envy, we lose our ability to see beyond our pain.

When you hold on to the bitterness of envy, you lose your sense of who you are. Bitter jealousy is a way of punishing yourself for envying others.

Don’t let the darkness of envy consume you. When you let go of the bitterness of envy, you will find peace and happiness.

Bitterly jealous people are often filled with anger and hate. Bitter envy is like a poison that kills the spirit and the soul.

Envy is a destructive emotion that can only lead to pain and suffering, so let it go, let it go and be free.

The bitterness of envy is when you see someone with something you want and they do not deserve it.

It is bitter envy when you cannot have what you want and someone else does.

The worst kind of envy is when you begrudge someone for their happiness.

Envy is like poison; it will eat away at you until there is nothing left.

Envy is the bitterness of one man’s success being another’s failure.

The bitterness that is envy is like cancer. It eats away at you, and as a result, you feel tension and fear in your body and mind. You do not trust people because others have material things.

Envy is like an onion: the more you peel it, the more it stinks.

The bitterness of envy is like that of a two-edged sword — cutting down all that it touches and wounding even the hand of him who wields it.

He that envies others confesses his inferiority.

The person who envies others has no peace of mind; he is constantly tormented and never satisfied. He knows that if he had what others have, he would not be as happy as they are because his desires are limitless.

Bitterness Envy Quotes

The envious person will never be satisfied with what they get. If they have a lot, the fear that if others have more, they might have less will cause them not to be happy.

The envy that is not controlled by wisdom but by passion or anger will lead to many difficulties for the envious, continually tormented by a desire for another’s happiness.

The bitterness of envy destroys health; it takes away the glow from life and makes people dull-witted and infertile. Therefore, it must be blotted out.

Jealousy and envy are poisonous that cause many to lose their lives.

The bitterness of envy penetrates our very bone marrow. As a result, people suffer from depression and melancholy and never have any peace of mind.

As water is to fountain, so is the man who envies others to those who are envied.

Envy is like a cat: it will scratch if you try to pet it.

The seed of envy is a lack of trust in God or poor self-esteem. This lack of self-esteem makes people worry about losing what they have. They are afraid that the more they have, the less the next person will have.

Envy is the worst feeling in a person’s life. Although envious people may not show it outwardly, their hearts bear a deep hatred and resentment toward those who are successful.

The bitterness of envy kills joy. It eats up all good things one might achieve and leaves nothing but emptiness behind.

Envy is a kind of madness. It creates jealousy, anger, bitterness, envy, and all kinds of evil thoughts in our minds.

Envy is a lack of trust in God or poor self-esteem. This lack of self-esteem makes people worry about losing what they have. They are afraid that the more they have, the less the next person will have.

The bitterness of envy eats away at our bones and leaves us empty inside.

The bitterness of envy takes away our joy and fills us with apathy and despair.

Envy is the fear of others’ goodness.

Envy is to admire a little; to be jealous is to admire less.

Envy is the rust of the soul and it consumes all it touches.

The envious man eats his own heart out.

Pity is for people who do not have what you want; envy is for people who have what you want but do not want it.

Jealousy is a poison that destroys love within even as it washes over it like a cruel tide. Envy, on the other hand, is a secret inner flame of hope that one might possess what another does.

The bitterness of envy can never be cured by medicine. We can only stop it by being wise and knowing that we need God to act in our lives to live in peace.

Jealousy And Bitterness Quotes

The bitterness of envy is like a deadly disease. It will eat away at you until there is nothing left.

The bitterness of envy eats away at one is body; it causes one to feel bored and empty inside. If unchecked, it will gradually destroy both one is health and life.

The bitterness of envy causes a person to lose their joy because it makes them distrustful toward others. As a result, they lose their joy and take on an apathetic attitude toward everything.

Envy is like poison; it will eat away at you until there is nothing left.

Envy is a human disorder we pay an unacknowledged price for indulging.

It is better to be happy with what you have than bitter about what you do not have.

Bitter envy is when you let someone else is success make you feel like a failure.

Don’t let envy turn you into someone you are not. Be happy for others and celebrate their success.

Ambition will make you miserable; envy will destroy you.

Sometimes it is better to be happy for someone else is success than to envy them for their happiness.

The bitterness of envy is like a two-edged sword: it cuts down those it touches without fail, be they ever so good. Envy causes people to lose all joy in life. It will take away joy, even if they are good people. As a result, they become dull-witted and infertile.

Don’t envy what others have, but celebrate what they have done. The gifts you receive will be proportional to the effort you put into your life.

Fame and riches are God-given. Bitterness is man-made. Don’t let envy make you bitter.

Envy is a fatal disease. It rots your mind and kills your soul.

Don’t envy success, but be happy about it. The gifts you receive will be proportional to the effort you put into your life.

Keep envy and bitterness out of your heart; they are the worst enemies of success.

Never complain about a successful person; they have more to moan about than most people do. Success breeds bitterness where it should breed joy.

Don’t let envy make you bitter; instead, be happy for what others have. The gifts you receive will be proportional to the effort you put into your life.

Don’t let your envy of them lead to a trace of bitterness towards them. Be happy for their successes and celebrate their happiness.

Envy makes you so unhappy that you cannot enjoy what they have; instead, it leads you to develop negative feelings towards them and the things they have, which causes jealousy. If you do not have what they have, then be happy for them.

Envy is a terrible thing. It develops into bitterness (and) destroys you. Successful people usually become victims of envy and are hated. Don’t let envy make you bitter.

Don’t let envy become the worst enemy of success. Be happy for the success, and celebrate their happiness.

Envy kills you even before you are born. Don’t let envy make you bitter.

Envy is a permanent mental illness. Don’t let it make you bitter.

Bitter envy turns your life into misery and destroys your happiness. Be happy for the success of others and celebrate their happiness.

Don’t let envy turn you from being happy to being fearful.

You become envious as you undermine your happiness by coming to look at life with half-closed eyes.

Don’t envy other people is success. Be happy for what it gives them that you can have too.

Success has a million fathers, but failure is an orphan; do not let yourself be this orphan if you succeed. Be happy for everything that your failure has given you.

Don’t be envious of success. Be happy for the happiness you have missed out on by failing to succeed.

You would have to be bitter to envy someone is success with a successful career, family and friends.

Bitter envy can destroy your relationship with the person who has some of what you want, especially if you live with them. Instead of being jealous, enjoy their success so that it makes you happy rather than resentful and unhappy.

Don’t let bitterness and envy ruin your life by causing bitterness towards the success of others.

Don’t be bitter towards others who have what you want; instead, be happy for them. You can always find fault with someone who has more than you do.

People are jealous of their success. Don’t let jealousy make you bitter. Be happy for their success and celebrate their happiness.

Don’t let envy turn you from being happy to a bitter person. Don’t let jealousy make you feel bad. It will change you into someone you do not want to be.

Bitter envy is when you make your envy feel wrong about someone else is success.

Don’t let your jealousy turn you from being happy to bitter. Don’t let bitterness change your life. It will destroy your happiness.

Envy is the art of counting other people is blessings instead of our own.

Envy is the seed of all discontent.

The only cure for envy is to realize that it is meaningless.

Envy is the green-eyed monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on.

Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

Envy is the most stupid of vices, for there is no single advantage to be gained from it.

Envy blinds us to what we have and fills us with longing for what we can never have.

If you desire to cure jealousy, think only of yourself, for in this way, you cannot be jealous. If you wish to cure envy, do not be envious.

Envy is the art of comparing our lot with others and wishing we had what they have.

The only difference between envy and jealousy is that jealousy is a feeling and envy is a disease.

Envy is a dark pit of iniquity, but jealousy is a fire that leaps to light

The worst thing about envy is how it makes you an accomplice of your enemy.

If you cannot get out of envy, keep yourself occupied with some other kind of misery.

Envy is the most useless of all emotions because it can never lead to anything constructive.

In envy and hatred, there is always a kind of blindness. The more we long for what others have, the less we can see that we have.

In jealousy, there is always a kind of blindness; that is why one never sees clearly what one admires in others.

Envy can never be satisfied. It is a self-imagining flame that is ever burning.

Envy is a passion that drives out all thoughts of peace and love and fills the hearts of those possessed with it with hatred, malice and mutual recrimination.