New Month Blessings Prayer New Blessings Quotes

This month, there are lots of good things to happen. Many people are expecting good things because the Lord has blessed them with many good things in the past. I am glad to join in on this year’s festivities by praying for everyone, especially those who are feeling down.

Prayer can be a powerful tool for adding visibility and hope to your life. In this month of growth and change, may we offer up our thanks for all that is good in this world and all that will come in the coming months. Let us recommence with a simple prayer: “Please show me your face.

New month blessings prayer is a way to offer your thanks for all the good that has happened in the past month. You can say this prayer at any time of the day, but especially before bedtime to help you relax and get good sleep.

New Month Blessings Prayer

“May Your Heart Soar and Dance With Life is Blessing In this New Month We have Entered.”

“May Your Soul Soar and Dance With Joy In this New Month We have Entered.”

“May Your Mind Soar with Light In this New Month We have Entered.”


“Happy New Month May You Have All That You Desire Blissfully At the End Of This Month.”

“May You Enjoy Each And Every Minute Of This New Month May God’s Unending Love Envelopes You With Benefits And Blessings Through His Grace In Jesus Christ Name. Amen”

“Your Heart Soar With Joyful Moments As You Enjoy This New Month.”

“God Will Surely Bless Your Life In This New Month That Has Just Started .”

“May Your Soul Soar Higher than a Crane and Dance With Heavenly Angels In this New Month That You have Entered.”

“May You Have the Strength to Pray, Hope and Trust That God Will Take Care Of All Your Needs, Problems and Obligations In this New Month.”

“May His Grace Be with You This New Month as You Enjoy the Blessings Of His Love In Jesus Name. Amen.”

“With Each Passing Moment of This New Month May You Be Excited About What The Future Holds For You .”

“May This New Month Bring You Happiness, Encouragement and Peace As God’s Blessings Be Upon You And Your Family In Jesus Name. Amen.”

“With Each Passing Moment of This New Month May You Be Excited About What The Future Holds For You.”

“May the New Month Increase Your Faith, Etcetera. Amen”

“May you have wonderful dreams in this new month and may your dreams come true, to the fullness of their potential. May you have a prosperous and successful new month as you look ahead to the rest of the year.”

“The Peace Of God Be With You And Your Family As We Enter This New Month .”

“May You Always Be Enabled To See The Bright side Of Life And Your Heart Will Be Clean From All Evil Thoughts In Jesus Name. Amen.”

“May God’s Grace Cause You To Enjoy This Month As He Lifts You Up and Sees You Through.”

“May the new month bring you peace, joy, and happiness.”

“May all your goals be realized as you work towards them, and may all the people in your life be happy and healthy.”

“May the new month bring you wealth, happiness, and prosperity.”

“May the new month bring you peace and comfort.”

“May the new month be filled with joy, happiness, and love for everyone.”

“May God bless your heart as you enter this new month.”

“May this New Month be filled with blessings for us all.”

“God Will Certainly Take Care Of Your Needs And Issues As We Enter This New Month. Happy New Month . Happy Birthday .”

“God Will Surely Bless Your Life In This New Month That Has Just Started . May Your Heart Soar Higher than a Crane and Dance With Heavenly Angels In this New Month That You have Entered.”

“May the New Month Bring You Happy Moments to Exceed Your Expectations.”

“May God’s Grace Fill Your Life With Blessing and Happiness In This New Month That is Just Starting.”

“May This New Month Bring Joy, Peace, And Happiness , And Help Us Reach Our Dreams.”

“May You Enjoy Each And Every Minute Of This New Month. May God’s Peace, Comfort And Prosperity Be Your Blessings Through His Grace In Jesus Christ Name. Amen.”

“May The Blessing Of This New Month Fill The Basket Of Your Dreams With Abundance As It Closes Today.”

New Month Prayers and Blessings

“May the blessing of God be upon you and your family. Amen.”

“May This Month Bring You New Blessings In Your Life .”

“May This New Month Be Filled With Abundance Of Love, Joy, Peace And Happiness .”

“May Your Heart Soar Higher than a Crane and Dance With Heavenly Angels In this New Month That You have Entered.”

“May God’s Blessings Be Upon You And Your Family In Jesus Name. Amen.”

“May Your Soul Soar With God’s Glory In this New Month We have Entered.”

“May Your Soul Soar Higher Like an Eagle In this New Month We have Entered.”

“May Your Mind Soar and Dance Like a Bird In this New Month We have Entered.”

“May the New Month Increase Your Faith, Etcetera.”

“May God’s Peace, Comfort And Prosperity Be Your Blessings Through His Grace In Jesus Christ Name. Amen.”

“God Will Surely Be With You In This New Month That Has Just Started .”

“May His Grace Be with You This New Month as You Enjoy The Blessings Of His Love In Jesus Name. Amen.With Each Passing Moment of This New Month May You Be Excited About What The Future Holds For You .”

“With Every Passing Moment of This New Month May You Be Excited About What The Future Holds For You .”

“As the new month begins, may all your dreams become a reality. May you always be encouraged by God’s Word. May you be filled with inspiration and hope. Happy New Month to you.”

“May today bring happiness, May tomorrow bring even greater happiness, and finally, may the entire month of March bring you some of what you really long for. Happy New Month to you.”

“May you be filled today and always, with a sense of gratitude to God for all He has done for you, and to have the same in return.”

“Happy New Month”

“May today and every day of this month bring you only good things, may your work be more fruitful from today till tomorrow, may there be peace in your family as well as at work. May you have many blessings all around you. Happy New Month to you.”

“May Your Mind Soar and Dance In this New Month We have Entered.”

“May Your Heart Soar and Dance Willingly In this New Month We have Entered.”

“As the New Month begins, may we rejoice in the presence of God, who has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. May all your worries and fears be gone from today and forever. Happy New Month to you.”

“As we welcome in another month, may you continue to have strength, determination and courage to move forward because you know that with each passing day, things will only get better. Happy New Month to you.”

“It is time to say goodbye” to February, and “hello” to March. May this month be a joyful, peaceful and prosperous one for you! Happy New Month!”

“Filled with hope, trust and faith in the new month ahead of us. May everything beautiful become a reality in your life today and forever. Happy New Month!”

“It is time for us to say goodbye” to February and “hello” to March. May this month be a life changing one for you! Happy New Month!”

“May the New Month bring good things to you, and may the good Lord keep watching over you.”

“As we say goodbye to February and welcome March, may your life be full of joy, success and happiness. Happy New Month!”

“May this month be a joyful and prosperous one, filled with good tidings and best wishes. Happy New Month!”

“The weather is changing, the flowers are blooming, birds are singing and love is in the air. All these wonderful signs can mean only one thing…it is March, and it is time to welcome in this new month with open arms.”

“From the moment we wake up to the moment we lie down for bed, happy thoughts will surround our minds. Happy New Month to you.”

“As the New Month begins, may each moment of this month bring you joy, success and fulfillment. Happy New Month!”

“As we welcome in another month, may each moment of this month bring you peace, hope and happiness. Happy New Month!”

New Month Blessings Quotes

“As we say goodbye to February and welcome March, may your life be full of joy, success and happiness. Happy New Month!”

“Let us all make this month a period of celebration, a time for us to thank God for His many blessings. As we celebrate the new month ahead of us let us celebrate Him who is the source of all our blessings.”

“May your life be filled with love each day as you celebrate God’s great love in this new month ahead of you. Happy New Month!”

“This month, may you and the people around you experience God’s love, mercy and blessings. Happy New Month!”

“May you continue to be filled with the joy of Christ all month long. Happy New Month!”

“May this new month bring you a life full of purpose, meaning and fulfillment! May your health be strong, your days be fruitful, and may you live each day in peace. Happy New Month!”

“May each day of this month bring you more of God’s love, joy and blessings. Happy New Month!”

“As you end February and welcome March, may the joy of the Lord fill you like never before. Happy New Month!”

“As we welcome in another month, may each moment of this month bring you peace, hope and happiness. Happy New Month!”

“May this new month be a time of growth and fulfillment for you because you have reason to be hopeful. May your life bring God glory each day. Happy New Month!”

“As we say goodbye to February and welcome March, may your life be full of joy and success. Happy New Month!”

“May this new month be filled with peace, hope and thanksgiving to God for everything that He is doing in your life. Happy New Month!”

“May you today and always experience God’s favor and mercy upon your life. Happy New Month to you.”

“As the New Month begins, may it be a month of healing, growth and a sense of purpose in your life. Happy New Month!”

“As we bid farewell to February and welcomed March, may this new month be filled with peace and gladness. Happy New Month!”

“May today bring you complete peace, oneness with God and full joy. Happy New Month!”

“As we welcome in another month, may every moment of this month bring you peace, hope and happiness. Happy New Month!”

New Month New Blessings Quotes

“May today bring you the truth that not everyone around you is seeking to do harm; and may each day bring you closer to them too. Happy New Month!”

“Here we are at the end of February. Where did the time go? It has been fun, right? May you know that it will only get better from here. Happy New Month!”

“Let all your problems be relegated to the past because this is the month that you turn your life around. Happy New Month!”

“May this month be a time of great encouragement, refreshing and renewal in your life. Happy New Month!”

“Let us all make this month a time of celebration, growth, and a time to praise the Lord for His many blessings. Happy New Month!”

“As the New Month begins, we thank God for being with you during the past months. May your days be filled with good health, wisdom and peace. Happy New Month!”

“It is time to say goodbye to February and welcome March. May this month bring you good health, peace, joy and fulfillment.”

“As we say goodbye to February and welcome March, may each moment of this month bring you peace, hope and happiness. Happy New Month!”

“If last year was a wonderful year for you, then today is the day to make it even better. If last year was not a good year for you, then today is the day to make it better. Happy New Month!”

“May each moment of this month bring you peace, hope and happiness. Happy New Month!”

“Over the last month, you have learned so much about yourself. If you were able to learn this much in a month, just imagine how much you will learn in a year. Happy New Month!”

“The changing of the seasons always inspires people to change things in their life and make it better. This month, may the changes that you made inspire others to make positive changes too. Happy New Month!”

“May this week be a source of hope for you and all those around you because God is always near. Happy New Month!”

“As we welcome in another month, may you experience stability and peace in your life. Happy New Month!”