Miserable People Quotes to Make You Smile

We all know them, those people who are just miserable all the time. You know the type – they are always complaining, grumbling and moaning about everything and anything. They are just Negative Nancies (or Ned’s). But what makes these people so unhappy? And more importantly, is there anything we can do to avoid becoming one of them? Looking for quotes about miserable people? Here are some of the best ones we could find!

Miserable People Quotes

It is not poor people in this world who are miserable but the people who have nothing to do but worry about their misery.

If all things were equal, miserable people would be more tragic in different places than happy people. Hence, when everything is not held equal, it is a sign that there are things that make some areas more miserable than others.

The miserable go down more profoundly in their misery and remain longer when they go than the happy in their joyful times.

If you are happy when you can be, it is not proof of any virtue in you but a temporary alteration in your condition; if you are miserable when you cannot be happy, it is because there is something defective in your temperament.

Many miseries can be endured if you put them into a story or tell a joke about them. Misery mixed with irony is the very essence of English humor. We are miserable and comical animals. The reason why we are

so often unhappy is that we have a sense of humor.

The world’s misery consists simply of the meanness of spirit, a lack of generosity, which makes us shrink from ourselves, and shame at seeing the universe.

A true miser cannot even find any pleasure in the minor thing.

Miserable people usually have tragic pasts. They are often the victims of great cruelty and injustice. And this cruel mistreatment often has made them into victims themselves. But it is only when the spirit of rebellion is dead in the victim that he can be a perfect and most miserable martyr.

The miserable people who have no interest in anything but their miseries are not, strictly speaking, unhappy. They are chaotic and violent because they are unoccupied; they are bored; they feel an intense desire to be interested in something.

The miserable are the people who need to keep their misery to themselves. If they start telling everybody, there will be no more other people left to tell.

One of the chief causes of misery is helplessness, and one of the most excellent aids to happiness is power, for no one who does not feel that he has some influence over his destiny can be pleased.

The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. The cure is occupation.

It is seldom that the miserable can help regarding their misery as a wrong inflicted by those who are less miserable.

The truly miserable have a timbre in their voices strong enough to erase smiles from the faces and souls of the contented.

The way to be happy is to deserve it, and the way to earn it is to be miserable now and then. It is only the genuinely miserable who get depressed about the fact that they are miserable and not about their misery.

There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.

Their despair of themselves makes the miseries of others intolerable to many people.

The truly miserable aren’t unhappy enough to commit crimes. They are shattered, empty, and bored.

The miserable, who alone have an intelligent interest in their own miseries, do not need to be told of them.

The truly miserable have a timbre in their voices strong enough to erase smiles from the faces and souls of the contented. As it were, their voices are so akin to silence that they can be heard at a great distance and have a peculiarly unsettling effect.

Man is not free to escape being miserable; he is free to escape his misery or suffer it. The choice is his, but it is a wrong one – entirely wrong.

I think the most unhappy people in the world care desperately about what other people think of them. It is hard enough to please yourself. There is so much misery in caring what other people think that it is almost certainly a bad idea.

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Quotes About Miserable People

What about some people makes them want to go through life miserable? Because once you make that decision, you are never happy. You cannot be happy because happiness is something you feel; when you are sad, you are never satisfied.

The most amiable people have much misery in their hearts, for they see men’s hearts only through glances and are often forced to conceal their own.

An excellent way to get over some of your unhappiness is to get others out of theirs. It is as if you said to them: do not cry; you shall laugh, which must comfort them, for it always comforts us to make those around us happy.

I am generally of the opinion that the most unhappy people on earth are those who look into their hearts and write about themselves.

Miserable people are always boring on the subject of their misery. It is a pathetic monologue that must be heard far more than reading.

We have no comfort for man’s misery but the practice of virtue.

One of the greatest pleasures in life is to make someone accept their misery.

There is no greater torment than a mind chained by misery.

For every moment of happiness, let us endure six moments of misery.

True happiness consists in removing the causes of misery.

The habit of misery has ruined more souls than any other habit.

The way to be happy is to deserve it, and the way to earn it is to be miserable now and then.

Human misery must somewhere have stopped; no wind always blows.

There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery.

The boundary between misery and happiness is so narrow that we often overstep it too soon.

Miserable people always find something to whine about, and for them, life is hell because it is just one big excuse for whining.

The very essence of misery consists in wanting things to be other than they are.

The miserable try to be reclusive and self-centered. People that are always unhappy need to get out of themselves and get involved in doing something for someone who needs help.

The way to be happy is to deserve it, and the way to earn it is to be miserable now and then.

Miserable Person Quotes

Being more miserable than others is undoubtedly one way to occupy yourself.

There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision, and that is just about everyone.

The misery of the weak is made more bitterly apparent by the greater pleasure it would give the strength to be merciful.

It is not what you have, who you are, where you are, or what you do that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.

The surest way to be miserable is to insist on being right – or wrong.

One of the leading causes of misery is ingratitude. I do not mean that the miserable man forgets all he has received; I mean that he does not realize it.

Miserable people live in the past. Happy people live in the present.

One of the surest proofs of misery is discontent.

To be happy, you must have a mind open to opportunities and possibilities. If you are only thinking about what might go wrong, you are missing out on all the great things life can bring you.

We are all miserable sometimes. We do not admit it. And that is why we are unhappy.

It is far easier to find ourselves in misery than in miserie.

The only thing more pathetic than a miserable person is someone who keeps complaining.

If we can change our thinking, our circumstances will automatically change. That is the way it works, and that is why changing your thinking is so powerful. You can change your life by changing how you think.

When we are miserable (unhappy, discontent), there are four things we should do: acknowledge, accept, appreciate and enjoy.

Miserable people have a habit of focusing on negative thoughts in their life. Happy people have a habit of focusing on positive reviews in their life.

Miserable people dwell on everything wrong in their life. Happy people emphasize everything right in their life.

A miserable person thinks only about what he cannot do.

Real misery is the misery of ideas — the mental pain that comes from being confused and uncertain and having to make difficult choices.

Man’s misery appears in his inability to be at peace, not seek peace.

The secret of happiness isn’t found in chasing after the things you want but in developing the ability to appreciate them as they come.

You can never be happy if you are miserable. Happiness is a choice.

It is easier to change someone is mind than to change his heart.

If you are miserable, you overthink the past and worry about the future. All that matters is what you have right now.

Being miserable over the fact that you are lonely is like being unhappy about being unhappy. It doesn’t solve anything. If we are disappointed, it is because we are focusing on the negative.

Kill your daily life by living a better one. Do that, and you will feel a lot better about yourself later.

When you have something to be grateful for, stop complaining about everything that isn’t perfect in your life.

People Are Miserable

It is easier to change someone is mind than to change his heart. It is easier to change the way one thinks than how he feels. It is easier to find a solution than a problem. We can find answers to almost everything – even our unhappiness.

 Life is too short to be spent surrounded by unhappy, miserable people.

A miserable person is always unhappy, no matter what happens.

The only thing more tragic than a life full of misery is a life full of regret.

Don’t be afraid to walk away from the wrong people, even if it means being alone.

It is better to be alone than surrounded by unhappy, miserable people.

The right person will make you happy. The wrong person will make you miserable.

The more miserable a person is, the less friendly they become.

When someone is always complaining and whining, they bring other people down with their negative energy.

You cannot change what happened in the past, but you can ruin your future by worrying about it. It is a terrible feeling, but you need to stop complaining.

Choose to be happy by choosing not to be a miserable person.

It is better to be alone than surrounded by unhappy, miserable people. Everyone has their bad days. You do not have to make everyone around you miserable, so have a good day!

Being a miserable person all the time is just one more reason to smile.

You cannot expect to be happy if negative people constantly surround you. You got to spend your life with people who make you happy.

There is no sense in wasting your life being unhappy when the alternative is just as bad. You’d be better off being a miserable person and enjoying yourself.

You would be better off being happy rather than spending your life with miserable people.

Your worst days will never be as bad as a miserable person with no hope for tomorrow.

Miserable people get more and more miserable as the days go by. Happy people see it as a challenge to be cheery.

Loving yourself is being happy with who you are, not who you are surrounded by.

Spending your life around miserable people is useless because you will soon become one of them.

A miserable person is always unhappy, no matter what happens. You must have a little faith! I mean, a lot of people have it worse than you. Deal with it!

Being a miserable person all the time is just one more reason to smile. Making bad decisions will only lead to bad situations. The sort of things that make you miserable.

You should be happy and embrace life is challenges – not let them get you down. You must not let your emotions control you. If you cannot control yourself, then life will control you and make you miserable.

Don’t waste your precious time on miserable people because it would be better spent with someone who makes you happy. Happiness is more important than anything else. Miserable people cannot be happy and they will probably never be happy.

Your worst days will never be as bad as a miserable person with no hope for tomorrow. Accept that life isn’t always perfect. It is the people around you who make it so.

Always surround yourself with positive people and sunshine because there is too much negativity in this world as it is. You need to learn how to ignore it and forget about the past. Just think of your future. Enjoy your life!