I Miss My Cousin: Quotes to Share With Family and Friends

I miss my cousin quotes – No one knows me like my cousin. They know all my secrets and all my stories. They have seen me at my best and at my worst. And they still love me anyway. So when I say I miss my cousin, I really mean it. I am really missing my cousin right now. We used to be really close, but then she moved away and we lost touch. I really hope to see her again soon.

I Miss My Cousin – In Memory Quotes for a Cousin

You are always a cousin I can look to as an example in life is trials and tribulations. The best wish is that you have a wonderful life ahead of you, leading you closer to God.

I miss my cousin, but that is my prerogative as an adult and for every day that has passed since we parted ways, I am comforted with your presence in my heart. I miss you a lot.

To know that you are looking down on me and caring about what I am doing makes me feel so happy. I love you, cousin.

I miss my cousin a lot because the days of our youth have gone now, and we are both grown up. I wish you the best life.

I miss my cousin so much and I want to see her again. We had many good times together when we were growing up. Our relationship is a very sacred bond that I cherish.

I miss my cousin. Sometimes when I think of her, I cannot help but fly on cloud nine. I want to meet her soon and catch up on old times.

I love you, cousin. I Miss you so much. Your friendship is like a rare gem in this world,

When our eyes met for the last time, my dear cousin, I was sure we would always be together after that day. I just want to see you again soon, and to talk about everything that has happened in our lives.

I miss you, cousin. I am so happy that you are also my very best friend. Every day, our relationship is a gift I cherish deeply. Thank you for always being the one I can rely on no matter what.

I miss my cousin because we always had a special bond between us. I always looked forward to seeing her and spending time with her. I miss her dearly.

Just the thought of my cousin makes me feel so good inside that it is hard to explain. I miss her so much and I really want to see her again.

I miss my cousin a lot, but that is my prerogative as an adult. I have moved on with my life since the days of our youth. I just miss her.

Dear cousin, when we were kids, I thought no one else was in the world like you. You are honestly the first person that had it all together as far as family and friends go. I miss you so much.

I love you, dear cousin. I miss you. You are like a rare gem in this world. Thank you for always being the one I can rely on no matter what.

When we were kids, everyone thought you were so lucky to have such cool cousins to hang out with. We miss you very much and want to see you soon.

I always wish our life would have been different and we could have grown up under the same roof as cousins instead of just relatives. I love you and miss you so much.

The pleasure of having a cousin like you have been one of the best feelings I have ever encountered. I care about you so much that it makes me feel warm inside. I miss you. I love you.

Life is so simple and easy when we are together. Maybe that is why nothing seems to work out well when we are not around each other. That is the thing about close relatives; they make our lives feel complete. Have you ever felt that way before? I miss you very much.

Dear cousin, I miss you a lot. All this business has been more than I can bear. As soon as we are reunited, my heart will sing with happiness once again.

I miss my cousin very much and wish he could come back so we could laugh and enjoy life together again. I want him to be here with me whether he is alive or dead. He made me feel alive and beautiful.

Have I told you how much I miss you, dear cousin? I will never forget you. You were my sole reason for living. That is why I have so many good memories with you. One day we will have enough money to buy our own house to live happily together in one.

I am eager to see my cousin live and operate later this month. I miss him, his silly childish jokes and his funny ways hardly. That is why I want him back in my life as soon as possible so we can laugh together as we used to.

Dear cousin, there have been times when I cannot help but think about you; it is always the same old story – everything that we do together. You gave me the best years of my life and made me feel like a real woman.

For a long time now, I have been thinking about you. You are my blood relative, and you should be with me. I am really lonely without your presence. When will you come back to join me? I miss you so much.

A day without talking to my cousin is a day wasted for me. You mean the world to me, and I want to do whatever I can to make it up for the years we have spent apart from each other. I hope you are well and that we will be reunited soon.

I have been roaming the earth looking for you. But all my search has only made me feel worse. Not even a single day has passed by without thinking of you. I would love to meet you again, and I miss you so much.

Since your disappearance, I have been feeling like a lost sheep. I had hoped that you would find me again one day, but it seems that is not going to happen any time soon. So, I say goodbye to you. Take care and always remember me.

I am so lost without you in my life. Ever since you left, I have been sad and lonely. All I could do was console myself with this song that my first love had written for me.

I am just devastated as I had hoped we would be together under the same roof again. Wait for me until that day comes when we will meet again.

It has been a long time since we have seen each other, and it seems like it is never going to happen again. I hope it will happen as soon as possible because I am tired of waiting. What are you doing now? I miss you so much. Please, send me a message soon.

I hope you are fine. I miss you a lot, I am sad that we do not speak very often now, but hopefully, that will change someday. You are one of the most wonderful people on this planet, and I am proud to know you. Stay fabulous, my cousin.

My dear cousin, I miss you so much. I have been thinking about our old days and our fun together. I hope you have an excellent time where you are and I am sure everything is going great. Take care until I see you again.

You have always been an essential part of my life, and I do not know how to picture myself without you. I miss you, cousin, and I wish we could reunite at some point in the future. You are the best cousin ever, and nothing could ever change that. Take care, my dear. It will be a while before I see you again.

I do not know what I would do if I ever lost you. I love you so much, cousin, and the thought of not seeing your face is depressing. Take care until we meet again, my dear. You are one of the most influential people in my life.

My life only has meaning because of you and your constant presence in it. We often have fun together or argue about politics or religion. I am so glad we are close, and I hope you have a great time where you are. I miss you and I will see you soon.

I Miss My Cousin Quotes – How I Feel Without My Cousin

It has been so long since we met, but we still have great conversations. You always make me think about what I should do with my future life, and I appreciate it. Keep up the excellent work, my dear. I miss you a lot.

I cannot believe we are so far apart now, but I know we will reunite someday. You are one of the most wonderful people to me, and I do not know what I would do without you. Take care, my dear.

You are always in my heart, and nothing anybody could ever say will change this fact. I feel comfortable in your presence, and I hope you do not feel like anyone is better than you, either. I miss you so much and I hope we will be together again soon.

I do not say it often, but I miss you and would like to see you soon. Whenever we get time, we have so much fun together, and I hope we will still have a great time when the date is upon us.

I cannot even count the times that I wished to share all of my secrets with you. You always seem happy and will ing to listen. I miss you so much and want to see you soon. I hope we will stay great friends until that day comes.

I am so excited about the upcoming get-together; it makes me realize how much I miss you. It is been a long time since we last saw each other. We had a lot of fun, and I want to ensure that we will have more adventures in the future.

We may not speak very often now that we live apart, but you are always in my heart. I love you deeply and I miss you, my dearest cousin. Please know that I think about you often. I am sad to be so far away, though. I hope we will get a chance to see each other soon.

Our get-togethers used to be the funniest memories. I can never forget all the funny things that happened together. We had a lot of fun and it makes me wish we could have more get-togethers in the future.

I miss talking to you about our dreams and what we want to achieve in the future. We used to be inseparable until we had to move apart. You are a great person, and it makes me happy that we still keep in touch. But I would love for us to see each other soon. I miss you.

I love getting together because I always have great conversations with you. You are amazing, and I am amazed at your accomplishments. I miss you so much, and I want to see you soon.

You are an amazing person, and I am so happy that we can stay connected even though we live in different cities. I miss talking to you and listening to your stories. It always makes me excited about the things that come our way. But I would love for us to see each other soon.

We used to do an insane amount of things together. I miss laughing with you, and I wish we could do it again. You always make me smile, even though you are far away from me. I am so excited about seeing you again.

We do not get to see each other often, but I always check up on you. I know we do not text as much as we should, but that is how things go. But I would love for us to see each other soon. I miss you.

Thinking about the little things is hard because they mean so much to me. But I always think of you, and I make sure I send your favorite flowers on your anniversary. I would love for us to see each other soon. I miss you.

I used to get so excited about seeing you at your spot. It is funny how everything changed over time, but we still keep in touch through social media. I miss you and would love for us to see each other again soon. I miss you so much.

I Miss My Cousin Quotes – Memorial Quotes for a Cousin

Things have never been the same without you around. I hope you will get in touch with me soon. I still remember when we used to sit under the shade of that tree and eat some yummy snacks that our grandmother used to make for us. It is still such a refreshing memory. I miss you too much.

Dear cousin, I cannot wait to meet you again, and I know you will be happy to see me again. You have been my inspiration since you left home, and I long for your company.

On the bright side of things, I will graduate soon. This fact has made me think about how much time we spent together in school. You have been my inspiration, dear cousin. I miss you so much. Please, come back home soon.

I cannot imagine how boring it would be without you around. I miss you and your company. I hope things will get better soon and we will meet again soon.

Despite how old we have grown a few years apart, sometimes it still surprises me how much I cherish your company. I miss you so much, dear cousin.

I cannot wait to see your face again as you are the only one who makes me feel pleased. I think of you always when I am all alone at home. I miss you to the bone.

Thank you for being the best in every way. You are always a cousin I could look up to as an example. I miss you, my dear cousin.

I love you, my dear cousin. We had some great times when we were kids and it is a shame that our relationship is no longer the same as it used to be. But I wish that one day, we can be together again like before. I miss you, my dear cousin.

You have been part of my life since I was born. You have always been with me whether you were here or not; you have always been there. I miss you and I hope to see you soon.

I have a lot of things to tell you, but I would just like to say that I am so happy to have had the opportunity of getting to know you. You are a great person and a good friend, and it is such a hassle that we do not see each other very often. When I do, it is just that much better. I miss you!

We haven’t spoken in such a long time. Every time I hear about you, it seems like it was just yesterday when we last said hello. You have really made me miss you these days, and although we live apart, know that there is nothing I want more than to see your smile every day.

I have learned so much from knowing you for so long. I know you are going through a lot, but I hope you know that your family and friends will always be here for you. We miss you and we will not give up on you. We love you very much!

I want to thank God for the opportunity of meeting an awesome cousin like you. I feel so happy that we are related by blood and that our bond is more potent than most. I guess it is just how we were meant to be.

No one in this world can make me smile as you do. You are an exceptional person, and you will always be in my heart. I miss you and I hope to see you soon.

You are the sister I have always wanted. I want to thank God for bringing you into my life. You have been so amazing and it is because of you that I can enjoy every second of life, which is a gift from God Himself. Thanks for being here for me in everything I need.

I have missed my cousin since we have separated for so long. It feels like I have been missing a part of me being away from you. I miss you. Thanks for everything! Wish I can see you soon.

I feel so excited to know you. You do not even know how much I have missed you. I hope you will consider me and send me an email soon. I will never forget the good times we had with each other. I love you.

It has been a long time since we had last seen each other, and no words can describe how much I miss you. I know you are doing well and I am happy for you. I won’t stop praying for your success. Thank you for always being there when I need someone to lean on.

Life is not the same without my cousin around. The times we have spent together are memorable. I miss you, my dear cousin!

I Miss My Cousin Quotes – What Life Is Like Without My Cousin

You have been my best friend for a long time, and I do not know what I would do without you. You are an amazing person, and I wish we could talk more often! If anything makes me happy, it knows that you are doing well.

You are a fantastic person with a big heart. You always reach out to others, and it is no wonder why so many people love you so much. Thanks for being there for me and I hope to see you soon.

I love you and I want to thank God that He has brought us together. We are such wonderful people and have been through so much together – thanks to God. Not a day goes by that I do not pray for your success. I love you!

I have missed seeing you and being with you. I know this is not what we both want so I hope that soon you will be visiting me. You are one of a kind and I will always be grateful for having known you! Blessings to you, my dear cousin.

I feel a lot better now knowing that I will be able to see my cousin again soon and until then, I won’t give up on your happiness. Look forward to seeing the two of us meet again soon. I love you.

You have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. You are so important to me and I hope to see you soon. I cherish every second we have spent together, and I know I will always be grateful for it.

I really miss having you around! You are so special and the most excellent person who has remained faithful to God all these years. I will never forget how close we were and how we would always help each other out in our lives. I hope to see you soon.

Dear cousin, when our eyes met for the last time, I was sure we would always be together after that day. I just want to see you again soon and talk about everything that has happened in our lives.

I miss my dear cousin since she is also my best friend. Every day, our relationship is a gift I cherish deeply. I miss you and I love you.

I miss my cousin a lot because we always have that special relationship. I just want to see her and talk about everything that has happened in our lives.

Just the thought of my cousin makes me feel so good inside that it is hard to explain. I love her so much and want to see her again soon.

I hope you are doing well and haven’t forgotten about me. I think about you all the time and I cannot wait until we can spend time together again. I miss all the beautiful times we shared and doing everything we love.

I really hope we can catch up soon, I have so much to tell you! I also wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and miss you a lot. Love always, cousin.

It is been too long since we have seen each other and I really miss you. I hope you are doing well and that we can get together soon. I miss all the fun we used to have, and I cannot wait to create more memories with you. Can’t wait to see you soon, cousin!

I hope this message finds you well. I miss you a lot and think about you often. I cannot wait until we can hang out again and catch up on everything. I really hope we can get together soon. I have so much to tell you! Love always, my cousin.

I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I know it is been a long time since we have seen each other, and I wish you would visit. It is hard to get away from my busy schedule, but when I finally get to see you, it will be the most incredible trip ever! I miss you so much and love spending time together.

It is been so long since we saw each other last time, and I am missing your company. I never thought it was possible to miss you this much, but I do! It is hard for me to see our messages piling up with no replies. I hope we can get together soon and catch up. Love always, sweet cousin.

I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Believe it or not, that means a lot to me! I haven’t forgotten about you, and I will always make time for you in my life. Keep doing your thing and remember that I am thinking of you daily. I love and miss you a lot.

I have been thinking hard about you lately, and I cannot wait to spend more time with you. I will be in touch soon, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

It was so wonderful when we saw each other this time last year! I miss spending time with you and think of you often. It is challenging to get away from my busy schedule, but I will visit when I get some free time! Keep doing your thing and remember that I love you a lot. I will talk to you soon, cousin.

I miss you a lot, cousin. It is been so long since we have seen each other and I just wanted to remind you that I haven’t forgotten about you. You are always on my mind and I have so much to tell you! Keep doing your thing and remember that I will always be there for you. Love always, my sweet cousin.

I hope this finds you well. It is been a long time since we have seen each other and I wish you would visit. It is hard to get away from my busy schedule, but when I finally get to see you, it will be the best trip ever! Keep doing your thing and remember that I will always be there for you.

I hope this message finds you well. Have you been wondering about me? It is been so long since we saw each other last time. I hope you are doing well and thinking of me often. I miss you and cannot wait to spend more time together.