Holy Saturday Quotes

Looking for some Holy Saturday quotes to help you reflect on this special day? We have gathered a few of our favorites to share with you. Here are some of the best Holy Saturday Quotes to help you reflect on the day and what it means.

Holy Saturday Quotes

“Today is a day of rest and contemplation. A day to reflect on the events of the past week and the coming week. A day to reflect on Easter’s meaning and the hope it brings. A day to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and what it means for our salvation. A day to be thankful for the gift of eternal life.”

“Let us remember the One who died that we might live on this holy day. Let us reflect on His great love for us and the great price He paid for our salvation. Let us rejoice that He conquered Death and rose again, giving us the hope of eternal life. And let us resolve to follow Him all the days of our lives.”

“Let us enter into the silence of this day in the presence of the Risen Lord. And let us listen for His voice so that we might hear His call to follow Him and serve Him all the days of our lives.”

“Today is a day of special prayer. As we prepare to enter into the celebration of Easter, we will realize the great gift of Christ is resurrection and that we may live in the resurrection with Him all the days of our lives.”

“On this holy day, may we be determined to live our lives each day in remembrance of the life, Death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. May His Spirit fill us, guide us and strengthen us as we

follow Him all the days of our lives.”

“On this holy day, may we be reminded that what happens in the darkness is often more important than what happens in the light. The truth of the Scriptures is fulfilled not in our sight but by what we believe. Darkness is not the negative part of life but a great and powerful symbol of God’s plan and intention for our lives.”

“Today is a day of celebration. A day to rejoice that He has risen from His grave. A day to celebrate His victory over Death and sin. A day to celebrate the triumph of love over hate. A day to celebrate the fulfillment of His promise: I have overcome the world. And a day to praise Him for it.”

“Today is a day for renewal. To renew our resolve to be faithful and obedient, God’s children. Let us continue our dedication to Christ and His Church and our commitment to serving one another and all humanity.”

“Today is a day to reflect on the great gift of salvation Jesus has brought to all mankind. Today is a day to rejoice in God’s grace and His mercy. And today is a day to thank God for the gift of eternal life.”

“Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Today we join Christians worldwide in proclaiming that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.”

“Today is a day of resurrection to proclaim that Christ has been raised from the dead. May we remember His love and acceptance bringing new life and renewal to all who believe in Him. May we remember the price that was paid by Jesus and the gift of eternal life He has brought to all mankind.”

“He has made us free from the tyranny of sin and Death. He has granted us eternal life so we can live with Him all eternity.”

“Today is a day for reflection on the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus for our sins and His resurrection from the grave.”

“Let us be grateful to God for His great gift of eternal life on this holy day. Let us remember the seriousness of sin and our need for repentance. Let us give thanks for the gift of grace that leads to salvation and for the example of Christ is redemption.”

“Today is a day of quietness. And a day to meditate on the great sacrifice made by Jesus Christ in Death and resurrection. And let us ask God to fill our hearts with peace and joy as we enter His eternal presence. And let us pray for those without the opportunity to embrace His salvation.”

“Today is a day of reconciliation. That as Christ rose from the grave, He might bring us together. As Christ has risen from the dead, may we, too, rise above our differences and find peace and understanding with one another.”

“On this holy day, may we remember that Death is not the end. That resurrection is not merely a hope but a reality. May we remember that Jesus Christ has defeated Death for us. And may we resolve to choose life and love in His name.”

“Think of the Love He has for you. Think of the sacrifice He made for you. Think about His Death and resurrection.”

“Today is a day to remember what Christ has done for us. All that He accomplished on the cross, His Death and resurrection on our behalf.”

“Today is a time to reflect on what Christ did in Death and resurrection to free us from the bondage of sin, Death and darkness. Today is a time to pray for all who cannot hear or understand the truth of His Death, resurrection and grace.”

There’s more to explore! Here’s another valuable read: Babe Ruth Quotes Legends Never Die

Messages for Holy Week

“Today is a day for contemplation. A day of reflection on what Christ achieved for us by dying on the cross and rising from the grave.”

“Today is a day to reflect on what was accomplished by Jesus Christ in His Death and resurrection. It is a reminder that His victory over sin, Death and all evil has made it possible for you to live again with Him in eternal life.”

“Lord, bring us to the fullness of faith that we may share in your Work and live a life of service to you both in this world and the next. Guide these faithful servants. Amen.”

“But among us, there is one who was born royalty. He came as a conqueror to lead us in perfect peace and to give us everything we need to thrive. His gift of love is free. He has given everything for us, and when we accept His gift of salvation, He gives us the power to live in His light. He was born in a stable and lived as a man among men. The King of Kings died for our sins so that we might gain eternal home.”

“May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, reign in your hearts now and always.”

“My soul is satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing, it praises my God. My mouth offers many thanks to the Lord; my life is glad in God, my Savior.”

“You need not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. You should welcome Death rather than look forward to the living God. If you are will ing to learn the secret of how to die and how to live so as not to fear Death, then you will have life.”

“If we accept the sacrifice of Christ, our sins will be forgiven. And if we believe in Him, He will bring us into eternal life. We will be filled with His love, live with Him forever and ever, and know the joys of eternal family in heaven.”

“He has died for us, making us His sons and daughters. He has washed away our sins in His blood. He has made us more than conquerors through this same sacrifice. He has given us hope for eternal life. We will praise Him forever rather than face the terror of Death.”

“This one work of love is more significant than any work we can do for God. All results will be measured against it and found deficient. The Work of attachment is to accept Christ is sacrifice for us. The Work of love is to love Him in return. We will do this by keeping the commandments and living by His example until we become like Him.”

“As we reflect on the events of this past week, let us remember the great sacrifice that was made for us. And let us resolve to follow Jesus Christ all the days of our lives.”

“Let us remember the One who died so we might live on this day. Let us reflect on His great love for us and the great price He paid for our salvation. And let us rejoice that He conquered Death and rose again, giving us the hope of eternal life.”

“Let us remember the One who died so we might live on this day. And let us rejoice that our Savior has conquered Death and risen again, giving us the hope of eternal life.”

“Let us pause during this busy world to remember the One who died that we might live. And let us thank Him for His great love and sacrifice.”

“Christ died for our sins so that we might be forgiven. He was buried so that we could be raised to new life. He was introduced to new life so we could live with Him forever.”

“The cross sacrifice is the only way for man to be reconciled with God. If you believe in Christ, you will know what it is like to live with God in eternity. You will not fear Death, the devil, disease, or poverty because His love will be your strength and joy.”

“Jesus Christ died for our sins. He was buried, and He rose again. Because of this sacrifice, the power of sin has been broken. Christ will come again, and then we will live with Him forever. We are commanded to love one another.”

“Every day is good because it is given to us by God. But this day is holy because it is set apart to be a day of rest and thanksgiving for what God has done for us through Christ.”

“We must remember that our Savior defeated Death and it’s dark promise on this day. Happy Holy Saturday!”

Happy Holy Saturday

“Today is a day to celebrate the victory of life in the face of Death. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“Terminally ill people should be allowed to die with dignity, as Jesus gained victory over Death on this Holy Saturday.”

“On this sacred day, we honor all those who have passed away and still live in us and all those who survive among us. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“On Holy Saturday, we need to remember that Jesus defeated Death and it’s dark promise, so now we can celebrate life without fear.”

“The celebration of Holy Saturday is the celebration of the sacrament of honest and raw doubt that is followed by reigniting of faith. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“On this holiest day, may your hearts be filled with the peace and joy of our risen Lord. Amen.”

“Remember that our Savior defeated Death and it’s dark promise on this Holy Saturday. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“He who believes in me, though he dies, shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Amen.”

“On Holy Saturday, we must remember that our hope lies in Christ, who has conquered Death and promised us eternal life. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“Pray that this day of our Lord’s Death may bring us closer to His promised resurrection. Amen.”

“Let us reflect on the sacrifice of our Lord this Holy Saturday as we prepare for His glorious resurrection. Amen.”

“This Holy Saturday, as we remember the Lord’s sacrifice, let us also remember His great love for us, which conquered Death. Amen.”

“Wishing you all a very Happy Holy Saturday! May the Lord’s sacrifice give you strength in all your trials. Amen.”

“On this Holy day, remember Christ is great love for us, which conquered Death and promised us eternal life. Amen.”

“On Holy Saturday, we commemorate the day our Savior died for us. Let us remember His sacrifice and His great love for us. Amen.”

“Let us gather on this Holy Saturday to remember His sacrifice, which is the key to eternal life. We will celebrate the resurrection on Easter Sunday.”

“On this day, we remember our Saviour’s great love for us and His sacrifice. May it be a source of constant strength and hope.”

“On this day, it is our Lord’s night of Death, when all evil forces were put to shame. May He grant us the strength to overcome the most significant trials and temptations. Happy Holy Saturday.”

Blessed Holy Week Quotes

“Let us gather together today to remember our Lord’s great sacrifice on the cross. May it be a source of constant strength and hope.”

“On this night, our Christ dies for us so that we may live with Him forever. Happy Holy Saturday.”

“On this night, we remember Christ is great sacrifice on the cross, which overcame Death and granted eternal life to all who believe in Him. Happy Holy Saturday.”

“All evil forces were put to shame on this night, and our old enemy, Death, was overcome by the Lord’s sacrifice on the cross. We believe that our Savior has defeated Death and that we will live forever. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“Our Savior did not die for us only once, but on every day since then. Let us always thank Him and honor Him on this night of His Death, this night when He died to overcome Death and grant eternal life to all who believe in Him. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“On this Holy Saturday, as we remember the Lord’s sacrifice, let us also remember His great love for us, which conquered Death. Happy Holy Saturday. Amen.”

“On this Holy Saturday, let us thank the Lord for giving us eternal life.”

“Christ is Death on this night overcame Death and granted eternal life through faith in Him. Happy Holy Saturday.”

“Let us gather on this special Holy night to remember the Lord’s sacrifice for all of us, making His great love for us throughout eternity. Amen.”

“And He bore them all so that everyone received no hurt. And this He did because He loved them. And so He was pierced through for our offenses, crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds, we are healed.”

“On this day, we remember our Saviour’s great love for us and His sacrifice. May it be a source of constant strength and hope. Amen.”

“Let us gather on this Holy Saturday to remember our Lord’s great sacrifice on the cross. May it be a source of constant strength and hope.”

“On this day, let us remember our Savior’s sacrifice for us. Let us not forget His great love for us, which He showed by giving His life to save us. Amen. Happy Holy Saturday.”

“May God grant us the strength to overcome the most significant trials and temptations. Happy Holy Saturday.”

“This night is the night of the cross when our Lord Jesus Christ defeated Death and granted eternal life to all who believe in Him. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“Let us come together on this holiest day to remember our Lord’s sacrifice on this evening, which overcame Death and granted eternal life to all who love Him. Amen.”

“On this Holy day, may your hearts be filled with the peace and joy of our risen Lord. Amen.”

“On this day, the Lord defeated Death and it’s dark promise. May He grant us the strength to overcome the most significant trials and temptations. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“Christ is sacrifice for us on this night overcame Death and granted eternal life to all who believe in Him. We will celebrate His resurrection tomorrow after remembering His Death on this night. Happy Holy Saturday!”

“On this Holy night, we remember the Lord’s sacrifice for us, which conquered Death and granted eternal life to all who believe in Him. Happy Holy Saturday.”

“On this night, let us gather together to remember our Saviour’s great love for us and His sacrifice for us. May it be a source of constant strength and hope.”

“Let us gather together on this Holy night to remember Christ is great love for us and, on this day, His sacrifice on the cross, which overcame Death. We will celebrate His resurrection on Easter Sunday. Amen.”

“May the peace and glad tidings of this day be with you always, even to the end of your lives and beyond. Amen.”

“May you all be strong in the Lord and may He deliver you from all evil. Amen.”

“May your faith grow daily and may you be ever more filled with the peace and joy which surpasses all understanding. Amen.”