Good Afternoon Message for Him 100+ Secrets Afternoon Quotes for Him

Hey good looking, hope you are having a good day. I am just checking in to say hi and to see how your afternoon is going so far. Let me know what you have been up to today!

It is good afternoon and you deserve some good afternoon messages for him. Get ready to read the best good afternoon message to him that will make your day better than before.

Good Afternoon Message for Him

You are the kind of person who can make any day beautiful. I hope you have a nice afternoon!

Good afternoon my dear! I hope you are enjoying your work, and I wish that success will come to you when it least expects.

Happy Good afternoon, handsome. You are a strong man inside and out. I love you to pieces!

I wish I could sit and talk with you. It is always a pleasure to be in your presence! Good afternoon dear, hope you are having an amazing day as well!_ _

In this wonderful, beautiful afternoon I am giving you my heart full of love. Take it my darling and have a lovely day!

Our friendship has been the best thing that ever happened to me. For us, every day is a day of being hopeful and rejoicing. Enjoy your afternoon as we bask in each other is love!

Good Afternoon Message for Him

The sun is shining so beautifully today. I cannot get over how it reminds me of you, especially since your love always shines bright too. Good afternoon my one and only!

This glowing sun is an ode to you. You always light up like the sun, and it reminds me why I love you so much! Good afternoon sunshine.

My friendship with you has been one of the best things to ever happen in my life. There is so much hope and joy for our future, everyday we cannot wait to see what will come next. Spend your afternoon enjoying yourself

As you toil in the workplace, I want nothing more than for your hard work and dedication to be rewarded. May success come when you least expect it!

I do not know if you are the best man in this world, but I do know that when your voice echoes through my phone speakers and reminds me of all the good times we had together it makes my day so much nicer. Good afternoon! Have a great lunch 🙂

You are the pillar of my life. The one who heals me when I am sick, lifts me up when I am down, and loves me unconditionally everyday. With you in my life, everything is beautiful _ even on an ordinary weekday afternoon like this!

I got a friend that is like my other half. We are always there for each other, and we just love the life our friendship has given us.

You are such a strong and handsome man. My world is beautiful because I have you, my love. Wish you an amazing afternoon!

As you work on your day_ to_ day duties, I hope that everything will go as planned. May luck be at your side when a new opportunity arises!

Afternoon Message for Him

Good afternoon dear. You make me smile when I see the sun. The light from it is so warm and uplifting, just like your love for me.

In this beautiful afternoon, I am reminded of all the things you do that make everything more enjoyable. _ it is a blessing having someone who makes life better every single day. Good afternoon dear.

You are the best in this world. In these sweet afternoons, I want to tell that you have made my world a gorgeous place. Good afternoon! Enjoy your lunch.

You are a strong man, handsome inside and out. My world is beautiful because you have me too! Wishing you an awesome afternoon as well ^_^

In this beautiful afternoon, I wish we could sit and talk with each other. You always make the world more wonderful by being in it. Good evening dear one!

Your love is so strong and your smile brightens every day. I know that even if we are not together, you will always be my world. Have a marvelous afternoon!

This calm afternoon only reminds me of you and all the good moments we had. I love you my dear, always will be grateful for your presence in my life!

In this wonderful, beautiful afternoon I am giving you my heart full of love. Take it my darling and have a lovely day!

We are the best of friends and a blessing to each other. Every day is an opportunity for hope, joy, laughter, even in tough times when we need it most. I am grateful that you are my friend!

I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will never let go and will always be by your side, no matter what happens this afternoon.

I want to thank you for being my best friend, my shoulder when I need it most. For making the world beautiful and bright with your love every day of our lives together. Good afternoon!

I love you because you are handsome inside and out. My world is full of light when I am with you, my one true happiness in life! I hope your afternoon will be a wonderful time for rest and relaxation.

Our friendship is the best thing that ever happened to me. Every day for us means being hopeful and rejoicing! I hope you are having a great afternoon, too.

Good Afternoon Text for Him

This glowing sun is reminding me of you. Your love enlightens my heart and makes it glow like the shining sun. Good afternoon, I miss your beautiful smile already!

I miss you so much, king. It is a beautiful day after the morning we had and I want to wish you an amazing afternoon my love.

I want to be the best thing that is ever happened to you. I will give you all of me and love deeply, even when it gets hard. Good afternoon!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing. I have a heart full of love and an afternoon to spare. Please take my gift with you today _ it is all yours!

This glowing sun reminds me of you. You always glow like the sun, and your love has enlightened my day.

In this beautiful evening, it would really mean the world if we were able to chat for awhile_ _ as usual, just hearing from my best friend makes everything better!

Good Afternoon Text for Him

You are the best man in this world. In this sweet afternoon, I want to tell you that having someone friendly like you has made my world beautiful and warm. Good afternoon!

I hope you are feeling better. I miss our talks and everything we used to do together. My day was so long when all my friends were out of town, but now that they are back in the office it is starting to feel like normal again!

A day seems to fly by, but I cannot wait for you to come home so we can hug. Love you!

I have an eternal love for you, there is no one like you. I will never let go of this moment that we share today.

The sun is shining, the birds are singing. I have a heart full of love and an afternoon to spare. Please take my gift with you today _ it is all yours!

As you toil in the workplace, I wish that your afternoon be full of peace. May success come when it is least expected by anyone else but yourself.

Dear friend, You are the best man in this world. In this sweet afternoon, I want to tell that you have made my world beautiful. Good afternoon. Enjoy your lunch!

The sound of your laughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. Each day I wake up, and my heart fills with hope for our future together. Enjoy this afternoon.

It is such a beautiful day! I wish we could spend the rest of it sitting on this bench and talking with one another, you always have something nice to say. Good afternoon my friend 🙂

Afternoon Text for Him

This glowing sun is reminding me of you. Your love enlightens my heart and makes it glow like the shining sun. Good afternoon, I miss your beautiful smile already!

Today is a wonderful day, full of love. I wish you could feel this too and so here is my heart for you to take home with. It will always be yours forever!

I hope you spend your afternoon having a great time. I cannot wait to see and hug you when you get home. Love, Your Loving Wife.

You are the kind of person that can make my heart skip a beat. I will never let you go, and for this reason I hope your day is filled with joy.

Our friendship has been my best thing that ever happened to me. For us, every day is a day of being hopeful and rejoicing. Enjoy your afternoon.

You are a shining star in my day. Good afternoon dear, hope your morning goes well and that it is filled with joy!

No matter what you go through, do not forget to smile. You are alive and that is reason enough for a happy face!

You make me so happy and I am always trying to find new ways for you. When the sun sets, it means that my heart is going down with you as well. Good afternoon!

I love you with all of my heart and I will never let go. May this afternoon bring us some hope together.

A beautiful afternoon like this always brings me peace. I wish that you were here with me, sharing the moment and making it more special than what it already is. Good day my love!

I know you have been feeling down lately. I just want to let you know that with all the little things, big and small _ every single day is beautiful because of your love in my life! Good afternoon dear xoxo

In this sweet afternoon, I am giving you my heart full of love. Take it and have a wonderful day!

You are always at the forefront of my thoughts. I hope that this short message finds you well and working hard on a peaceful afternoon!

Also Read: Good Afternoon Handsome

Afternoon Love Message for Him

In this beautiful afternoon, I want you to have my heart full of love. Take it please, and enjoy your day.

My heart beats for you _ my love is true. I will never let you go, and this afternoon of hope we will share together! Good afternoon dear.

Good afternoon, my favorite person. I hope you are having a great day and enjoying your lunch break!

I love you, my strong and handsome man. You make every day in this life beautiful with your presence lovingly by my side. I hope that today is as wonderful for you as it has been for me so far!

I cannot wait for the evening when we will be able to talk together in front of a nice fire. I love you, and miss your voice more than anything else.

Afternoon Love Message for Him

I miss you. The day is beautiful and I cannot wait to be with you again, my king.

This glowing sun is reminding me of you, my love. I hope the warm light that it gives off brings some sunshine to your day too!

This glowing sun reminds me of you. You always radiate this warmth that settles into my heart and makes it glow with joy just like the yellow ball in the sky. I hope your day is as enlightening as a good afternoon for us, sunshine!

A day passes on so fast, but it will go by slower if you spend the afternoon with me. I cannot wait to hug and kiss you when we get home tonight _ love always your wife.

The sun shines down on me like your love. You always remind me of how beautiful life can be and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Happy afternoon, my sweetheart!

The time you spend at work may seem like a drudgery but I hope the sentence May success come when you least expect it will remind that there is always opportunity for something good to happen.

I cannot believe how the sky is so blue and clear, making for such a perfect day. I hope you are having just as good of one!

If you are feeling overwhelmed with a ton of work, remember that it is all just temporary and what matters is the result. You are strong enough to do anything! Good afternoon to my favorite person in this world.

I feel your hand on my hair, the warmth of sunlight. I send you this touch and hope that it reaches as far as we are apart.

I hope you had a great day today. I was thinking about how much fun we are going to have together soon and could not wait for the time when it will be just us!

I love the peace of this afternoon and I am reminded so much of you. You are my heart is beat; when it beats, it is to your beautiful tune.

I miss you. The day is beautiful and I cannot wait to be with you again, my king.

No matter what you go through do not forget to smile and enjoy the little things. Being alive is a reason to be grateful, so make each day count with smiles!

I love you and cannot wait for the day to end so I can come home.

You are the sun in my day, you always bring me joy. I love how your smile lights up a room and makes people feel good too!

As you work hard this day, I wish that when the clock strikes 4 o’clock your colleagues will have a surprise party for all of their hard work. You deserve to be showered with praise and recognition!

I hope your afternoon is as sweet and wonderful as mine. I am giving you my heart full of love, have a great day!

Good Afternoon Message to Him

I just want to say I love you and that this is something I have been looking forward too.

This afternoon is one of the most perfect days I have ever had. The sun shines brightly overhead in a cloudless sky, and you always make everything better with your warmth and love for me. It is good to have someone like that around; I hope we can share this again soon!

I wish I could turn back the clocks and sit with you. You always take my breath away, making every moment of time an unending joy in your company. Good afternoon, sweetheart!

I cannot believe the day has turned out to be so nice. I miss you dearly and wish that you were here with me now, my king!

The sunlight is touching my hair, hand and I am sending this to you. Feel the touch of mine as it sends your way a good afternoon honey!

You are the best, and I know you will do your work without fail. Let is get to it! Hi there gorgeous _ I hope this afternoon is treating you well.

Surely you are smiling after reading this message. I love you and cannot wait to spend more time with someone as wonderful as yourself.

You really make me happy. Your love and kind words are like the best medicine to my soul, I will always strive to give you the absolute best of myself!

You have been working hard all day, and it is time for a break. May you find peace during your brief respite from the workplace. Keep in mind that success can come when we least expect it!

Good Afternoon Message to Him

You make me happy. Your love and kind words are like medicine to my soul! I will always give you the best, because that is what we should do for our loved ones. Good afternoon sweetie pie!

Your warm smile brightens up my day every time we talk on Skype or when I see your lovely face in person too 😉 Love ya tons bb :*

Hey handsome, I hope you are smiling after reading this message. Love ya! cannot wait to spend more time with you soon ;_ )

You have been on my mind all day. I cannot wait to see you soon and share more than just a kiss with you, too!

How are you doing? I hope this message brightens your day. You are the best and I love being with you!

I love seeing your face and want us to be able to enjoy each other is company again very soon

This beautiful, quiet afternoon is only a reminder of how deeply I love you. Here is to an even better evening where we can be together and share our thoughts with one another!

This afternoon is so beautiful and I want to thank you because it is your love that has made my world a lot better. Good morning!

No matter what you go through do not forget to smile and enjoy the little things. Being alive is a reason to be grateful, so make each day count with smiles!

I love you and I cannot wait for the day to end so we can be together again.

In this beautiful afternoon, I wish I could sit and talk with you. You always make the sun shine a little brighter when we are together. Good_ afternoon dear!

It is been a beautiful morning and an amazing afternoon. I miss you so much, my King. You are the most important person in this universe to me and it would be such an honor if we could spend even just one day together again soon!

I hope you are having a wonderful summer! I really miss talking with and spending time with such an amazing person. Good afternoon dear friend, how are you?

Good Afternoon Wishes for Him

You are the peace in my heart. This calm afternoon only reminds me of you. I love you dear, and am thinking about how much time we get to spend together tomorrow evening!

I wish we could spend this beautiful afternoon together. I find that you always make the world more beautiful to me, and your presence is missed on days like these when everything seems so perfect.

I love this beautiful afternoon. I wish we could sit for a while and talk about things that are meaningful to us both—things like our dreams, aspirations, goals in life…Good afternoon my dear friend!

I will always give you the best: good morning, afternoon or evening. I hope that your day is going well and that you are excited for what tomorrow might bring!

I hope you have an amazing day my king. I miss you so much and wish that we could be together today, but this afternoon will see us reunited soon enough!

Good Afternoon Wishes for Him

This beautiful sunbeam is reminding me of you. You always shine like the sun, and your love makes my day brighter than any other morning could be. Good afternoon sunshine!

I hope you are enjoying your work, and I wish that success will come to you when it least expects.

You are the peace of my heart. This calm afternoon only reminds me how much I love you and need you in my life. Good morning, sweetheart

Even if you are at your lowest, spending a moment to smile can change the day for better.

It is so good to see you smiling. I hope these words are making your day brighter. All my love, always and forever xoxo

No matter what goes on in our lives we should never forget that there is always something worth smiling about and being happy with.

I counted the hours as they passed by. I cannot wait to see you when you get home, it is always so wonderful! Love ya and wish your afternoon was peaceful too 🙂

If you need help with any of your work, I am here to lend a hand. You are always so helpful and smart! Have an amazing afternoon my friend.

You are my king and I miss you so much. It is been a beautiful day, but now it is time for the evening to come, when all will be well again with us both.

As you work on your day_ to_ day duties, I hope that everything will go as planned. May luck be at your side when a new opportunity arises!

I enjoy each moment I spend with you. You make the world a better, more beautiful place. Good afternoon my dear love.