Do Not Waste Your Time Quotes

If you are looking for some inspiration to help you get through tough times, check out our collection of quotes about not wasting your time. Don’t waste your time quotes to help you stay focused and motivated. These quotes remind us that time is a precious commodity that we should use wisely.

Do Not Waste Your Time Quotes

You are not wasting my time. You are allowing me to waste yours.

I do not waste time. I make time.

If you are unwilling to spend your time, do not waste mine.

Please do not waste your time, it is a luxury that cannot be replenished.

Don’t waste your time on things you are not interested in.


Don’t waste your time on things that are too hard to understand.

Do not waste your time trying to solve a problem that has already been solved.

People who waste your time are probably the very ones who are wasting their own.

Do not waste your time doing things that do not matter.

Time is the fire in which we burn. To make a difference in this world, we must first learn to manage it wisely.

Life is too short to live your life the way you think other people want you to.

Don’t waste your time and energy on people who do not appreciate you.

You will never reach your goal if you spend too much time at your work and too little time working.

Please do not waste your time on someone who won’t make it worthwhile.

Do not waste time studying how to improve things; just do them.

Don’t waste time thinking about what you do not have; spend more time thinking about what you do have.

Do not waste the precious little time you have to yourself with superficial, worthless, or meaningless things.

Time consists of what a man can make use of.

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have; only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.

Do not waste your time trying to fix what isn’t broken and do not be afraid to fix stuff that is broken because most of the time, the problem will be worse than the original problem was.

You are right whether you think you can or cannot.

Time is the most precious commodity anyone has. You have to use it in the best way possible.

Time is a valuable thing. Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings.

Don’t spend time on things that do not matter. Do what you love and do it often.

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Come what may, work hard and play hard. In the end, it will all amount to the same.

I do not waste time; I make it.

The greatest secret of success is to use or lose time as men please and not as they ought.

Don’t waste your energy on things that you will never have time for.

The best way to avoid wasting time is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

You cannot waste time by worrying about how much time you do have left.

If we didn’t waste time, there wouldn’t be enough left to enjoy it.

Waste as little time as you can. Waste much less than most people do.

Life is like a camera: Focus on the object at hand; sooner or later, that object will become blurred unless your attention remains sharp.

Don’t waste your time on someone who has already moved on.

How you spend your time is more important than how much you spend doing it.

The best thing to do is to waste one hour as if it were one minute and one minute as if it were one second.

My time is valuable, and I do not have time to waste it.

Don’t waste time trying to fix what isn’t broken.

Studies have shown that people who manage their time effectively are more successful than others.

Wasting time is like shooting yourself in the foot. If you do not know how to walk, do not try to run.

Don’t waste your time on things you are not interested in.

If you are not will ing to waste your time, you do not want too much of somebody else is.

Don’t waste time thinking about what you do not have.

Most things are not worth doing at all, and not worth doing well.

Please do not waste your time on something that is more trouble for you than it is for others.

Waste as little time as possible.

Time is only important in relation to wasted time.

If you do not know how much time they waste, do not try to find out. They will take care of the rest.

Wasting time is like shooting yourself in the foot.

Waste as little time as possible. Waste much less than most people do.

Don’t waste your energy on things that are too hard to understand.

Don’t waste your time on something you will never have enough of.

Don’t waste time looking for friends when you have got one.

Don’t waste your time on something too hard to understand.

A day spent without the sight or sound of beauty, the contemplation of mystery, or the search for truth and meaning is a day wasted.

Your time is precious. Please do not waste it listening to someone who isn’t will ing to share it with you.

Don’t Waste Your Time Quotes

Don’t waste your time on things that do not matter.

The problem with life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait around to near the end of it for things to happen.

Waste not, want not. You do not have to buy everything you want. you can make everything you need by getting what you want from wherever else you can.

Doing just enough to get by is a great way to waste time and money on unnecessary and often harmful things.

With time, we learn how much we care. And how to waste even more.

Time is your most valuable thing, so spend it wisely!

You cannot waste your time if your dreams and desires are the most important things in your life.

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today. You will only make an effort for something when you see it as necessary.

Don’t waste time saying, ’why me?’ when you get knocked down. Get up and start again.

Waste not an hour nor a word.

You cannot waste time trying to fix what is not broken.

We waste time looking for the perfect moment, words, and place. But we never find anything better than right now.

We waste time looking for the perfect lover instead of creating the perfect love.

Everything that is done in time is done well.

With time, we learn how much we care.

It is a small dose of poison for a great purpose. It always works, but it is not without side effects.

We waste time looking for the perfect moment, the definitive word, the ideal place. But we never find anything better than right now.

Do not waste your time on things that do not matter. Do what you love and spend your time wisely.

Waste your money, and you are only out of money, but waste your time and you have lost a part of your life.

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you will never get it done.

A few moments spent in the morning writing down your plan for the day will save you hours of frustration and wandering around doing nothing later in the day.

There are two ways to do things: right away or not.

If you tell the truth, you do not have to remember anything.

If you have time, please feel free to waste it with me. We can waste time together.

Do you want to waste your time? Because I do. We could waste it together. It could be a lot of fun.

I’d like to know what is going on in your mind as we waste our time together.

If you do not have a plan for the day, make one up.

Make a list of things that need doing, but always add ’waiting for inspiration or ’waiting for motivation’ or ’waiting until I finish this status report’. Never do anything.

Never do things that aren’t fun. Never Ever! If it isn’t fun, do not do it ever again. The End.

Never buy things. Only beg, borrow and steal—that kind of thing.

If you want to get out of debt, stop spending money.

Don’t compare yourself to others, especially if you feel bad about yourself.

I am in a place where the only thing I can do is look for funny things to post about on Twitter.

Don’t waste your time looking back at what could have been. You have to keep moving forward.

Time is a precious thing because it never comes back.

You can waste your life in two ways: by not living it or wrongly.

Don’t just spend time; invest it. Invest wisely and with love, and you will reap returns much more significant than you expected. It is worth doing right!

Do Not Waste Your Time Message

You can waste so much time in one day. You want to waste so much time. You want some more wasted time.

I’d rather be where I am than be somewhere else

It doesn’t matter how much you make; it only matters how you spend it.

When you walk in the woods and see a spider on the path, please do not kill it, because next time the spider could be somebody’s mother.

Put the urgent off and get to the important things right away. Don’t wait.

If you are going to waste time, waste it on the important things.

Save your time; do not waste it.

You can waste a lot of time, especially with the Internet.

Don’t spend your time on things you do not want to spend your time on.

Don’t waste your time speculating on what might have been or worrying about what might happen. Concentrate on what you can do today, and do it now.

Being bored is a waste of time, and time is a precious thing.

When you waste your time, you want to be in control. If you cannot be in control, then it is not worth wasting your time.

Don’t spend more than an hour in the bathroom each day.

I used to be so stupid and waste my time playing video games. Now I am more foolish and use my free time wisely. I was just kidding!

I want to waste my time with you.

Don’t waste your time waiting for closure. The closure is a myth.

If you do not have anything important to do, I can think of something.

Please do not waste time on people who aren’t worth it.

Do what you need to do today to get the things done that will take care of you in the future.

Sometimes it is a good idea not to get distracted by all the little things; focus on the big picture instead. It is a waste of time to try and do everything when you are not going to be happy doing anything.

You can waste a lot of time trying to make the right decision, or you can make the right decision and do it.

I’d rather be right than feel right. You shouldn’t have to feel good to be correct.

Once you know they are not good for you, do not waste your precious time on unhealthy things. It is good to be aware of that.

Don’t waste your time with bad people. Don’t waste your time with good people. It is not worth your time to waste it on the wrong person or a good person who has the potential to be the bad person.

It is only a waste if you are wasting your time. If you are doing something valuable and spending time, it is not a waste.

Do not waste your time thinking about what you do not have; spend more time thinking about what you do have.

Don’t waste your time on a lost cause. It is gone forever.

Don’t waste your time speculating on what might have been or worrying about what might happen.

Don’t waste your time thinking about non-negotiable things. It is not worth the trouble.

Don’t waste your time thinking about what you do not know; spend more time thinking about what you know.

It is a good idea not to waste your life pursuing things that do not matter. Do what you love and spend your time wisely. If you do what you love, it will be worth your time.

There is always a way. There are a lot of ways. So many other things can be done in your life besides watching TV.

Time is money. Nothing can be done without it and nothing can replace it.

I am all for wasting time, as long as it doesn’t waste my life.

We waste time looking for all these things, but they offer nothing we want. Because when you find something worth living for, you do not need all those other things anymore. You have what matters right in front of you.

Don’t waste your time on revenge – it never gets you anywhere.

Do not waste your time struggling against people who cannot hurt you.