Anniversary Message for Ex Boyfriend

It is been a year since we broke up, and I still cannot seem to get over you. I know that you are probably moving on and that you do not feel the same way about me anymore, but I just wanted to let you know that I still love you and I still think about you all the time. I know that we are never going to be together again, but I just wanted to wish you a happy anniversary and let you know that I will always love you.

Anniversary Message for Ex Boyfriend

I just wanted to wish you a happy anniversary. Thank you for making me feel like no one else could. Thank you for our shared memories and for showing me that love exists. You are my forever friend. I wish you all the happiness in the world.

When I look back on my relationship with you, I do not know what went wrong. But, looking ahead, I know I will always be a friend of yours, and in my heart, you will always be that remarkable man. Happy Anniversary.

I want to wish you and your wife a happy anniversary. You should be proud of your marriage; it is a true testament to the love you share. I am happy for you and I hope you have a wonderful time.

The memories we shared will last forever in my heart, which is why I will always be your friend. I wish you a wonderful anniversary and may all your dreams come true.

anniversary wishes image for ex boyfriend

When we were together, I was the happiest woman in the world. I know some time has passed, but I will always love you. Happy Anniversary.

I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me in my life. You were a great friend, an excellent boyfriend and an even better father to our son. I wish you the best of luck in your marriage and endeavors.

I just want to wish you a very happy anniversary and I hope it is as wonderful as your first one was. You were the best boyfriend any woman could ever want. I will always cherish the love we shared and the memories we made together.

I know I haven’t been a good friend to you lately, and I am sorry. But I will always be in your corner as long as you are happy, and I want you to know that even though it didn’t work out for us, I wish you all the happiness in the world.

You have had an impact on my life that I will never forget. Thank you for making me feel like the only woman in the world. I wish you a wonderful anniversary and hope your marriage brings you many years of happiness.

I know the last few years haven’t been easy for you and I hope you are happy now. When I think of our love, I remember that we loved each other with all our hearts and were will ing to fight for our love. Today is your wedding anniversary, so congratulations.

You are such a fantastic person and I love everything about you. Here is a special message just for you on your wedding anniversary. I hope you know how much I miss and care about you.

Happy marriage anniversary. I hope your day is special and filled with lots of love and happiness, hopefully, all the way to your anniversary next year!

I wish for your marriages to be happy and long. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. It is been a good year together.

broken heart anniversary wishes image for ex boyfriend

Happy anniversary! It will be this time next year before we see each other again. I really hope it isn’t as long as last time. We had the best time together when we were together. You will always be my first love.

Happy wedding anniversary, I am so happy that you are together and have everything you ever wanted. You have been a great wife to him; I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Happy anniversary! It is been a year since we said goodbye, and it will be another year before we see each other again. I hope you continue making each other happy forever.

Congratulations on your year anniversary! It was such a beautiful occasion and I wish those two could stay together for the rest of their lives. I hope I can be a great friend to you both and make sure that it will be the happiest day of your life when you finally get married.

Congratulations to you on your anniversary. You are the best couples I have ever met. I cannot wait for the rest of your lives together.

I hope this year will bring you closer together, and if not, just promise me that you will stay friends. You two are so perfect for each other. I wish you a great life together, and I hope always to be friends with you.

Have a wonderful anniversary and I hope that next year will be even better than this one. Congratulations on your anniversary. It is been a year of great memories.

Anniversary Message for Ex Boyfriend

I cannot believe it is been a year since we married. I hope you are enjoying your anniversary and that you both stay together for the rest of your lives. I wish you the best!

Today is not just an ordinary day because today is your anniversary. It has been a great year to celebrate with each other. Have a wonderful wedding anniversary!

You two are the most beautiful couple I know. You guys have been through so much together, but you still managed to stay strong. I hope that you will both stay together just like this.

Wedding anniversaries are always a time for couples to celebrate all the good things they have done together, and a great way to remember how far they have come as married people. Enjoy your anniversary!

anniversary message for ex boyfriend with image

I hope you both have a wonderful wedding anniversary! I wish you happiness forever and always. May all your days be as good as this one, and you always have each other to keep you happy. Much love to both of you.

You have both been on my mind a lot lately. I am so happy that the two of you could have such a beautiful wedding anniversary. I hope this will be one of many to come and that you will always stay just as happy for a long time together. Congratulations. Love, Xx.

Anniversary Wishes for Ex Boyfriend

Congratulations! I hope you both are having a wonderful anniversary and that you won’t ever be upset with each other. I hope that your wedding will always be filled with happiness and love.

Congratulations! It is great that you guys have made it through the tough times and still stayed together for the long run. I hope your anniversary is full of happiness and love.

Happy Anniversary! It is been a year since the two of you got married. Have a special anniversary and I hope you two will be happy together for all of your lives.

Anniversary Message for Ex Boyfriend

Congratulations! You two are one of the happiest couples I know. Enjoy your wedding anniversary. It is been a great year!

It brings me great joy that you have finally tied the knot. Enjoy your anniversary. It was a year full of great memories.

I will never forget all the fun we had and the secrets we shared. You are a great friend and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

I remember when we first started dating and how much you loved me for myself. All the great times we had together will always be a part of my life; thank you for making me feel like no one else could. Happy Anniversary.

When we first started dating, your love for me knew no bounds. I felt like the luckiest woman in the world. I know you have a new wife, but I will always be here for you and wish you all the happiness in the world. Happy Anniversary.

We had so many good times together, and I remember every single one of them, even all the bad ones, because they are our memories and are special to me. Thank you for everything and happy anniversary. You are a great friend.

When we started dating, I knew you were the one for me. It didn’t work out, but that doesn’t mean I do not still love you or that your love for me isn’t still in my heart. You have a wonderful new wife and I wish you many years of happiness together.

I just wanted to say that I am honored to be a part of your special day; you are always in my prayers. I will never forget the memories we shared and the love we had. We may not be together, but your love for me will last forever and I will never stop loving you. I wish you happiness in all you do.

anniversary quotes for ex boyfriend and image

Happy wedding anniversary to the perfect couple; may your love for each other grow as time goes on and may you both have many more years of happiness together. I wish you a wonderful anniversary and hope you will always be delighted together.

Dear ex, I just want to wish you a big ’thank you for all the wonderful memories we shared – from our first date to our last movie night together. I will always cherish the time we spent together, and I look forward to the next time we meet.

Dear ex, thank you for being there for my family and me through our difficult times. You are a great son and I love you very much. You will always be in my heart.

I hope you are happy and fulfilled tomorrow, dear ex. You will always be a remarkable man who brought so much joy into my life that I will never forget. My love for you will last forever, and I wish you happiness in your new relationship. Love always.

Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Ex Boyfriend

I just want to say that no matter what, you will always be part of my life. I will never forget the memories we shared and the love we had. I wish you a happy anniversary and a wonderful day ahead filled with success in all you do!

Happy wedding anniversary. I hope you and your wife have a wonderful time spending it together. I want you to know that you will always be the remarkable man in my life and I will always cherish the memories we made together. I am proud to be your friend and wish you a happy marriage.

Wishing you with all my heart a happy anniversary. You are the one I will always think about and miss and hope to see again. I love you and I love our son! Happy Anniversary.

Thank you for being a great boyfriend and roommate. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Enjoy your anniversary date.

Anniversary Message for Ex Boyfriend

You were the best boyfriend ever and someone who I will always cherish. You were the love of my life and I hope to see you again soon.

I wish you a happy anniversary, best wishes to your wife, and good luck with your company.

Thank you for all the memories we shared. I hope your anniversary date goes well, and I wish you happiness in your future endeavors.

I just wanted to let you know that there is no one else I want to be with but you. You are a great boyfriend and the love of my life. Please come back to me because I want to be with you forever. Happy anniversary.

It was great to have you in my life, and now I will always miss you. Happy anniversary.

Good luck with your company. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Happy anniversary.

I hope the day will bring you all the joy and happiness your heart desires. I will always love you whenever I think of our times together. Happy anniversary, dear.

You were a nice guy who helped fill up space inside my heart. I hope you have a great time with your wife on your wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary to you both.

It was great to see you again and share nights like we used to. You were a great friend and I hope you enjoy the company of your partner on your anniversary date.

I wish you the best in your future endeavors, and I hope you have a wonderful time spending your anniversary date with your wife. Enjoy!

Thank you for all the great times we had together and everything that happened between us. I will never forget them.

Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Ex Lover

I hope your anniversary date goes well and that she makes it a special time for the two of you. I wish you happiness in your future endeavors.

It is been great catching up with you. Thank you for your love and support over the years. I wish you a happy anniversary.

Thank you for being my friend. No matter what happens in my life, I will always have you to help me through it. Happy anniversary.

I want to say thank you for all of the good times we shared. I will never forget how much fun we had and I hope your business continues to succeed. Happy anniversary.

I wish you the best in life and hope that time brings you happiness. This has been a wonderful evening.

I am so glad that we could get together tonight. It was great to see and chat with you, and I hope the rest of your evening goes well.

It was great seeing you again. Thanks for everything in the past times we shared. I hope we can share more fun as this and I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.

Happy anniversary to you both. It was great to see you again and I would always love to see you in my life. Happy anniversary to both of you!

happy anniversary image for ex boyfriend

I cannot believe how far we have come in 5 years. I am so happy we became such close friends since that is the closest thing I could think of dating at the time. I cannot wait to meet your husband and congratulate you on this day. All our love.

I know some of the times we spent together weren’t the best. I hope you had a wonderful day with a great husband. Hopefully, that is not the last time we see each other, but as long as it is, I will always be your friend. Happy anniversary, dear.

I hope you had a fantastic wedding day. I cannot wait to meet your husband so we can become as close as you and I were one day. I am sorry our relationship ended, but we can always be friends and move on someday. Happy marriage anniversary.

Happy marriage anniversary! You have such a great husband; he is a lucky man. I wish you many more years together, and I hope he treats you like your great wife. Stay positive, stay beautiful, and my best to your family.

Happy Anniversary! I wish it were me who finally got married instead of you. I hope your wedding was everything you wanted and that your marriage will last very long. Good luck with your anniversary! A friend that felt bad for leaving.

Happy Anniversary! You two were perfect together. I wish you all the happiness in the world! A friend who was also single at the time.

Wedding anniversary message for ex girlfriend

I know it is been a while since we have seen each other and I just wanted to send a special message on your wedding anniversary. I think of our love every single day. You were my first love, and I always think of our wedding day. I hope you have a wonderful day. I hope you are happy in your marriage. I miss you so much.

Anniversary Message for Ex Boyfriend

Happy anniversary! You and your husband have been together for five years! Congratulations on celebrating your wedding anniversary! May this day be filled with love, happiness, laughter and maybe a little adventure. From a friend who loves you very much.

I am happy you have found a great husband to spend the rest of your life with. Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you and your husband a lot of happiness together. May you always have love and understanding in your marriage. Enjoy this special day! Your friend.

I just wanted to send you a card to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. Here is to many more years of happiness, love and laughter. A friend who still loves you very much.

Happy anniversary! I am so happy that you found a great husband. I hope he treats you well and that you have many happy years together. A friend who still loves you very much.

Happy anniversary, beautiful bride. I miss our time together, but I know we will only be friends forever.

You are such a sweet girl! Congratulations on everything – a wonderful wedding and many fabulous years together with the love of your life. There is no one more perfect for your husband than you.

Anniversary Message for Ex Boyfriend

You were always there for me through the good times and bad. You are an exceptional person. I am so happy for you and your husband and I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.

It is such an honor to be a part of your wedding! Hope you have many happy years together! Lots of love.

Happy Anniversary to My Ex Boyfriend

I am so glad our friendship made it to this day! You have always been such a wonderful friend. Happy anniversary to you and your husband.

Happy wedding anniversary! May all your life be filled with love, laughter, and happiness. Lots of love from all of us

Beautiful bride, congratulations on your wedding day. I am so happy to have been a part of it.

Your wedding was the best day of my life, and I cannot wait for the rest of our adventures. Lots of love.

Happy anniversary! I wish we had another anniversary just like this to celebrate with some great friends from college!

It is incredible to reflect on the time we spent together and all our fun. I hope we always have good memories from our time together. I will never forget our love or the beautiful wedding you planned for us. You are going to be such an amazing wife! Lots of love!

Happy wedding anniversary! You are such a sweet girl – I am so glad you found your prince charming! Lots of love. I hope your wedding day was as extraordinary as mine. I cherish you!

Anniversary Message for Ex Boyfriend

I am so happy about the love and happiness you have found in marriage! May your anniversary be filled with love, laughter and good memories! Congratulations on everything – your wedding day was beautiful.

I am so happy to have been a part of your wedding day! You are such an impressive woman, and I know you will have many years of happiness together. Congratulations! Lots of love.

I cannot believe that this day is finally here! It is been so much fun planning your wedding with you and I am so happy that we made it to this day together. I wish you a lifetime of happiness with your husband. Lots of love.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to a beautiful young woman who became my very best friend in the whole world. You are such a particular person and I am so happy for you and your husband and wish you both a lifetime of happiness. Congratulations and lots of love.

It is such a particular time to celebrate your marriage! Congratulations to you and your husband. May your anniversary be filled with love, laughter, happiness and good memories. Lots of love.