Funny Angel Puns That Will Make You Laugh

If you are looking for a little bit of levity in your day, you have come to the right place. This blog is all about light–hearted content that will make you smile. Check out our collection of angel puns! From heavenly hilarity to devilish fun, these puns are sure to put a smile on your face.

Angel Puns

Question: What did the mischievous angel get in trouble for? Answer: Halo–ing around too much!

Question: Why did the angel blush? Answer: Because it saw the heavens in rosy colors!

Question: How do angels send messages? Answer: They use heavenly text messages, of course!

Question: Why did the angel start a garden? Answer: To grow halos and wings, naturally!

Question: What is an angel’s favorite dance move? Answer: The harp–hop!

Question: How do angels greet each other? Answer: With a wing and a prayer!

Question: Why did the angelic musician go viral? Answer: Because they had killer harp skills!

Question: What do you call an angel’s workout routine? Answer: Cardio–halos!

Question: What do you call an angel who loves to bake? Answer: A celestial chef with flour power!

Question: How do angels organize their tasks? Answer: They create divine to–do halo–grams!

Question: Why do angels make great therapists? Answer: Because they always lend a listening wing!

Question: How do angels stay in shape? Answer: They do feather aerobics!

Question: What is an angel’s favorite accessory? Answer: A halo–ver headband!

Question: Why did the angel want to learn guitar? Answer: To play heavenly chord–s!

Question: How do angels cool off in the summer? Answer: They have popsicle wings!

Question: What is an angel’s favorite candy? Answer: Halo–mints, of course!

Question: Why do angels love sunsets? Answer: It is their way of saying, Wing me goodnight!

Question: What is an angel’s preferred way of travel? Answer: They soar above the clouds!

Question: What do you call an angel’s art gallery? Answer: Heavenly Masterpieces!

Question: Why did the angel get a time management award? Answer: Because it knew how to archangel it’s schedule!

Angel Pick Up Lines

What do you call an angel who loves to bake? A flour–light angel!

Did you hear about the angel who won the race? She had a winging streak!

Why did the angel sit on the cloud? He wanted to feel on top of the world!

What is an angel’s favorite dance? The halo–hop!

Why did the angel get a ticket? He was caught speed of light flying!

Did you hear about the mischievous angel? He had a halo lot of fun!

What do you call an angel who tells jokes? A guardian giggler!

How do angels greet each other? Halo there!

Why was the angel sent to time–out? He was winging it a little too much!

What is an angel’s favorite instrument? The harp–tastic!

Did you hear about the angel’s new diet? It is all about light bites!

Why did the angel blush? She heard someone call her a divine darling!

What is an angel’s favorite game? Halo–ween charades!

How do angels communicate online? Through heavenly texts!

Why did the angel take a break? He needed to recharge his halo battery!

What is an angel’s favorite song? Wings of Harmony!

Did you hear about the angel’s gardening skills? She is a blooming expert!

Why did the angel go to school? To improve his angelic intellect!

What is an angel’s favorite treat? Halo–delight cupcakes!

Did you hear about the angel’s vacation plans? He is off to explore paradise destinations!

Why did the angel get a promotion? Because of their heaven–sent work ethic!

What do you call an angel’s favorite dessert? Halo–delicious cupcakes!

How do angels stay in touch? They send heavenly texts to one another!

Did you hear about the angel’s vacation? They went to a paradise retreat!

What is an angel’s preferred type of music? Harp–tunes that soothe the soul!

Why did the angel carry an umbrella? In case of heavenly showers!

How did the angel ace the test? They had divine inspiration on their side!

What do you call an angel who loves to dance? A halo–twirler!

Did you know angels are great at organizing? They have a seraph–system!

Why did the angel bring a ladder to the cloud? For some climbing sky–high adventures!

What is an angel’s go–to exercise? Wing–ups to stay in celestial shape!

Why was the angel always calm? They had serenity wings!

How do angels solve problems? With a touch of celestial creativity!

Did you hear about the angel’s favorite game? Halo–ween charades!

Why did the angel become a gardener? To help things blossom with grace!

What is an angel’s preferred bedtime? Pillow–fluffed clouds and starry nights!

How did the angel win the race? They were winging it all the way!

Why was the angel an excellent singer? They had harmony in their heart!

What do you call an angel’s workout routine? Heavenly reps for strength!

Why did the angel love math? Because they could count on miracles!

What did the angel say when asked about their favorite snack? Halo there, I am a ’cloud muncher’!

Why was the angel great at tennis? Because they had a killer serve–aph!

What is an angel’s go–to dance move? The halo twirl!

Did you hear about the clumsy angel? They fell with grace–avity!

How do angels send messages? They use feather–light texts!

Angel Jokes

What did one angel say to another during a game? I am on cloud nine with this ’halo victory’!

Did you see the angel at the bakery? They were hunting for angel food cake!

Why did the angel start a band? For the harmony of halos!

What is an angel’s preferred workout? Wing–ups to stay fit in heaven!

Why did the angel get a ticket? They were caught speed of light flying!

Did you hear about the tech–savvy angel? They are a guardian of gadgets!

What is an angel’s secret talent? Winging improvisation in conversations!

Why did the angel refuse to play cards? They were afraid of heavenly cheating!

What do you call an angel’s favorite place? Paradise on Earth!

How did the angel win the cooking contest? Their dish was truly divine!

Did you know angels are great artists? They paint with halo strokes!

Why did the angel refuse to share their ice cream? It was a personal sundae!

What is an angel’s favorite game? Hide and ’divine’ seek!

Why did the angel go to school? To learn about celestial subjects!

Did you hear about the angel’s new hobby? They are into cloud sculpting!